Here are the latest digital documentations of the life of Fiona.... The family at a "summer" BBQ here in Santa Cruz (note warm hat on Fiona and my Australian rugby shirt, purchased at a thrift shop in Provo, UT). Then we have Fiona in her new fancy pants, sent by Ken and Betty. Thanks! (the shirt they sent along is still too big, but will soon fit at the rate she is growing).
Most exciting, today Louise got the Exersaucer-Mega at the baby thrift shop (that we call the "used baby store" although I don't think they sell used babies!). Fiona was beyond thrilled, and shrieked with delight, doing 360's in it until she was completely knackered. Which, of course, leads us to the last picture, taken after tanking up on mums milk and passing out with her blanky, last used by me...
love to all, D