Hi Everyone,
We're back from Laguna Beach. Fiona clocked her longest car trip yet at 8 hours each way (think Fiona and Devon in the front of the truck and her mum in the back seat pumping milk and handing it forward).
It was a lovely weekend. Her first wedding, that of Brent and Jen her second cousins (we think). She did well with the ceremony but a little less well with the reception. It turns out if Devon and I want to dance we need to leave her with a babysitter, loud music and clapping aren't her cup of tea. On the bright side, she got to meet a lot of relatives that hadn't seen her yet. The whole Buchsbaum clan and Jim and Mary Jo Nathan from Chicago. She Enjoyed Laguna beach and joined her usual drinking buddy, Devon for a pint at a Laguna Brewery. As always it was wonderful to stop driving and sleep in our own bed last night. Luna who stayed home to "hold the fort" was happy to see us home and was more spritely than usual.
As she is now officially six months old, this morning Fiona had her first "solid" foo: a tablespoon of rice cereal mixed with her usual milk and fed to her with a spoon. She needs to work a little on mouth's coordination but she enjoyed her meal and we look forward to introducing her to more and more variety there is a really ripe banana waiting for her. Ready the bibs!!!
We hope that y'all are well.
Louise and Devon and Fiona