Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Here is Fiona learning to blow her first bubbles with a friend of ours at her baby's first birthday party:
And success:
After celebrating her own birthday this week, fiona did well partying with others, she sang the birthday song appropriately and ate cake, and played with the birthday girls toys doing her best to share them.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
A potty of any other name....

The cup we use to transfer a bit of lunas food to her bowl in the porch is a 16oz cottage cheese container...Fiona had a sudden need to piddle this morning after drinking out of the hose earlier. She grabbed the nearest thing: the cottage cheese container, I snapped this picture to embarrass her when she is older.
UPDATE: Later in the day, while under the watchful (?) eye of Grammy Vicki, Fiona decided to cut out the middle man and poo directly into poor Luna's bowl!!! We'll have to put a stop to this "creativity" in potty selection!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The rest of the day...
The birthday has come to an end. Fiona passed out after a cupcake induced frenzy once we got home from the park. She was happy throughout but quite tired by day's end. It was windy but she didn't seem to notice.
We had a picnic in the park, friends, presents, snacks, cupcakes, playing. Fiona lucked out in the present category. But was also quite civil and said her "thank yous" and shared well with everyone. Especially Tish who got a cupcake specially from fiona.
Above are some pics, there will likely be more to come as there were more cameras out than just ours.
We had a picnic in the park, friends, presents, snacks, cupcakes, playing. Fiona lucked out in the present category. But was also quite civil and said her "thank yous" and shared well with everyone. Especially Tish who got a cupcake specially from fiona.
Above are some pics, there will likely be more to come as there were more cameras out than just ours.
Fantastic Two

Fiona is two today, We are having a party today but here is a bit of an update on the day, more to come...
Fiona opened her present this morning and was quite delighted to find her own soccer ball, though she is still having trouble with pronouns such as "mine, yours, his, hers, ours, etc" It was clear who this ball was for.
Fiona has enjoyed helping make the cupcakes for her party, we put the icing on them today after lunch which led almost instantly to a mid-day bath and a nap, now some time for Mummy to rest before the party inthe park. It's a bit windy today and it rained last night. I guess that fiona havinga spring birthday will have to get used to planning for any eventuality.
I'll post pictures of the party later,
Friday, April 18, 2008
Picnic After Breakfast
Monday, April 14, 2008
Drinking Responsibly
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Spoon Licker

Here is Fiona helping to make some blueberry muffins yesterday. Of course the licking of the spoon is always the best part.
The talking is still amazing, she's increasing her grammatical prowess by the day. Many things are commands still, which can get a bit tiresome though.
Potty training continues, she still has trouble remembering what needs to be done when we are at the park, but at home she's got it all under control. Yesterday morning as we were lounging in bed, the sound of her green potty being picked up off the tile floor caught our attention, followed by running footsteps down the hallway in our direction...Fiona brought the poo in the potty to the bedside to show us (OH JOY). She often refers to these offerings as "a mountain" as there was one that I referred to that way once. We really do need to be careful with what we are saying around her.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Goats and Such

No we haven't ridden off into the sunset, I just lost the camera with the latest photos and didn't have 5 spare minutes to look around for it. Things have been a little busy... runny noses and less sleeping going on around here lately. But things are looking up, Devon just discovered the camera only an arm's length from the computer under some papers. So here's the latest.
We took Fiona to a a BBQ at one of my friends places last weekend (devon finally admitted that a bunch of nurses together are cooler than a bunch of evolutionary biologists) Anyway, The Friend, Victor, has goats etc., some of them quite's Fiona and Devon and the baby goat.

There was also archery for the under 2 set, a shining example of things that are left out of the parenting books, perhaps for good reason.

Life is good, we are happy, mostly healthy, and enjoying the warmer days lately.
We're planning a Birthday party for Fiona at her favourite park, we're giving her a soccer ball of her own to kick around and a lifejacket, Don't tell her.
The birthday will be at 5 at Garfield park, hopefully it will be a warm afternoon, we'll have some horse's doovers and lemonade and She can help Devon warm up for his soccer game after the party. Of course y'all are invited.
PS any good remedies for a kid with a cough?
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