Fiona and I went on a date to Monterey yesterday. We had a lovely time playing at Dennis the Menace park. Fiona played on the old train that they have there and practiced her bouldering for a little while. It was a beautiful cool and sunny day. We both needed to get out for a while. So Fiona played and by the time we came home she was starting to show the signs of having started back at school about 48 hours ago with the snotty nose and then by dinner time a fever. All this does not help with sleeping through the night as you might imagine...Devon and I have been taking turns kicking eachother out of bed at odd hours to check on her. None of us get much sleep with this strategy but we have no better plan at the moment. It appears that she is having bad dreams along with boogers. She cries out with a pretty alarming Muuuuuuummmmmmyyy tears and all but then isn't really awake to console, last night she said "there must be some apples around here somewhere" as I put her back down under the covers...by 4am she had convinced us that she was hungry and by 5:45 Devon was getting her weetbix ready. Turns out that she was hungry, She was back in bed by 6 and we all slept like logs until the deliciously late hour of 8AM!!!
Anyway, we'll hope for clear sinuses and more sleep in the nights to come.
On a different note we attended our first organized music class with fiona, Music class is a stretch, its a kids music program called Music Together. lots of singing and percussion which fiona really liked so we will be doing that on a weekly basis and I'll let you know how it goes.
Other updates:
Fiona and Devon have been doing lots of sailing together lately, Fiona had her first on the boat barf the other day. I missed it but Devon was christened...
I am waiting for my new surfboard to be glassed, I went and saw it half way finished today...I'll post a pic when it's ready.
Ps this picture is of Fiona's stuffed cat, she left him splayed out on the floor int he livingroom, The pose reminded me of someone lost in t he sahara dragging themselves across the harsh terrain in search of a drop of water. Who knows what "kitty "is searching for but I had to save the moment for posterity.