Two pics of Rio and the family because you cant get Fiona and him to look at the camera at the same timeHi All,
Well the chaos of our summer subsided for a few days after Violetta went home to mexico and so, feeling like the house was a bit empty, we decided to get a puppy while reroofing and getting ready to paint the house.
As you can see we are all OK but our camera is still lost (maybe on the boat) and our computer is still broken(powersource?), hence the lack in recent posts, but we are happy nonetheless.
Rio is a buy, 8 weeks old yellow lab, and so we are working on the housebreaking and chewing/biting things at the moment. Fiona is happy to have a puppy around of course. I've never dealt with a male dog before, but true to form he spent the morning humping his pillow. He cries in the night a bit but we're hoping that settles after he adjusts to a new place.
Fiona is starting her final year of preschool and is one of the big kids there now...
time flies. They have a new teacher there who speaks spanish. Fiona, having spent the summer speaking spanglish, feels confident with the new curriculum. She talks a lot about wanting to go to "Big Girl School" next year when she is five. Where did my little baby go?
Our autumn looks busy already and as we mourn the passing of summer we are looking forward to a trip to Mexico and a visit to Australia.
For now though you can find us puppy training and finishing our big house projects which also includes dealing with a new influx of rodents. I try to keep it in perspective and think about people through time who have designed their houses/kitchens/etc to try to outsmart mice...we still have some learning to do and indeed my latest plan is a motion sensor lazer mousetrap that vapourizes the mouse in an instant leaving a small easily wiped up pile of ash. I might need the venture capatilists involved and have yet to work out the energy karma.
Thanks for being devoted enough to check in on the blog after such a long hiatus.
Love Louise