Fiona and her cupcakes in her party dress as the song was sung.
So if you are reading this and have yet to plan a kid birthday fest at the park on a weekend morning...don't try to stay out and party like a *rockstar* the night makes the morning a bit bumpy.
Fiona woke up at 5:30 0r 6:00. It was hard to tell exactly what time it really was as neither of us could face the clock. It was still dark...she asked "is it I five!?!" and thus our day had begun.
The boxes of parkbound supplies were ready and waiting so it was fairly easy given the state of things here to get to the park and set up by are devon and fiona preparty swinging.

In all there were about 14 kids, I never really got a headcount and suppose if I backtrack and look at the goody-bag debris I would be able to figure it out with math but that is a bit past me now. I imagine there are some very tired and over-sugared kids about.

We decorated lots of eggs as planned and ate cupcakes with abandon there were no majour injuries and it didn't rain. YAY!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes.
Love always,
One victorious and tired mum. Louise
Fiona and Lua at the end.