Thursday, May 17, 2012

Will play for candy

Fiddle practice has been a bit trying for all involved lately, so rather than face it head on we turned and ran. We have instituted a rigid system of bribery which leads to happier practices all around.

Monday, May 14, 2012

A happy mother's day

I had some silly company for a post shift breakfast. Apparently mothers day isn't always like hallmark expects. Silly faces with breakfast followed by a 5 hour sleep, a quick flit around the boardwalk including Fiona as the red baron. Life is good....

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Almost healed

Apparently radiologists are more optimistic than mothers but they assure me that the collar bone is coming along well. They look at minute shading as a good thing, whereas I was hoping for great streaks of new bone. But we are down to two more weeks until we can break out the two wheeler out again.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012


A six year old's work is never done. Calculator is a phone and while caring for her baby horse she's multitasking well.