Here's our favourite baby being her sweet wonderful self. Currently however, she is teething. Sleeping through the night seems to be a bit rare at the moment. Some nights we have thought it was because she was hungry, hot, cold, wet, full, lonely, tonight we believe it is teeth and are trying some western medicine on her (tylenol/oragel). Most bad nights recently we have just gotten up, made her warm, cooled her down, stuck her onto her mum, given her a sip of water (which to her is like having candy, she loves it) , but generally cuddling in with us has worked though we get less sleep then. We'll keep you posted on how the sleeping saga goes, we hope to be back on track soon. Very soon.
Better living with chemistry?
of course...aren't we all?
love louise
I think that you are on the right track. when they wake up, there is usually a reason. wet pants, hungry, lonely or just need a cuddle in "your" bed. You are both doing a really good job, sans enough sleep !! Heroic ! love Beryl
I would say file it under 'parenting is hard'!!! : -) You guys rock as parents, and I don't think there are always necessary solutions - we would all know what they are by now given the amount of babies that have been born, and instead all we have are 'experts' making money in bookstores throwing their wild guesses at our desperation!
Babies are little humans, and are unpredictable and difficult at times ;-)Anyone who gets shown your amount of calm and patience will turn out brilliantly, or if not, have a bloody good excuse as to why not!! Sleep is just around the corner for you guys - hang in there!!! xxxxx
PS I meant 'SHOULD have a bloody good excuse as to why not' - obviously :-) xxxxx
thanks for all the support
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