Fiona was a tiger for Halloween. Quite a good roar out of that girl.
She's working on her talking, her new words of note: House, push, Dummy (finally), shoe, sock, two, bowl, and fish. Da is still the word she uses for yes and again. She has copied the way that we saw "where did it go" (sounds like "weah-di-di-go") and says it as one long word when she has lost something, but I don't think that it is a sentence because she isn't really putting words together on her own. We'll keep you posted.
haha, thats fantastic! what a great costume... :)
No time to make one, but at least it was second hand. It will be the start of the dress up box.
But doesn't she make a good tiger! i wonder if she can still do the red baby roar?
oh, she does!
Another word is duck, and she recognizes the duck page in my bird book, as well as ceramic ducks. Does it carry over to her bath ducks, Louise?
Also, doggie has become much clearer.
Man I love this get-up!! Plus that face just gets gorgeouser (sure it's a word) by the second... I remember that Charlotte went from zero to 100 (not literally, I mean like a car) in terms of her speech between 18 months and 2 years - it was mind boggling... Oliver didn't talk much til he was three, and Annie Rose - well, we were less fastidious about taking notes with her, bless her. She talks heaps now, so yeah, it must have happened somewhere along the line :-) xx
Great costume fi!!
but to the important question...
how did you go for loot? I hope there was plenty and that you shared with mum and dad.
Uncle Benny
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