Monday, December 29, 2008
Playing out the year
We have a sunny break in our winter weather to see us into the new year. It's cold but not too cold for the park. Fiona and I took the bus downtown made even more fun for our fellow passengers with a round of "the Wheels of the Bus go Round and Round." We went for a play at a newly constructed park at the Louden Nelson Center. It was all sorts of fun. Pretend napping on the equipment, feeding of the pretend dinosaur, climbing, running, sliding, chasing and more. Afterwards we went for our usual Bagelry date, Fiona is now ordering her own bagels complete with pleases and thank yous. She told me while we were eating that she was happy that I was with her today and "not at work...." Something that I was thankful for too.
Have a Happy, Safe, and Playful New Year.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
And Behold, the blue YoYo

Well, it all worked out, despite a few forays into being naughty recently Fiona still had the ear of Santa and He pulled through nicely this morning. She woke up at about 7 after a sleepless, then drugged with benadryl, night. She looked out into the porch where the tree was and Said "GOODNESS" with a high squeal. Thank proceeded into the porch to stare dumb founded at the heap that Santa had left for us all. She really liked unwrapping things and as it happens the blue book and blue yo yo that had been requested last week were provided.
Oh and by the way, he and the reindeer even ate the snack.

Merry Christmas,

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve with Ned Kelly

Last night, rather than sit around for fiona's tantrums (she's still a little sick with her sore throat) we went for a drive to see Christmas lights. This, after a particularly painful lesson about picking "only two" Christmas cookies out of Jim and Mary Jo's wonderful assortment. We thought that a drive at least meant that she would be strapped into a chair and we could turn the radio up loudly if needed. The drive around town was peaceful except when Fiona and Luna had a space war in the back seat necessitating a brief stop. Once home we diverted the "I dont' want to sleep" argument by reading The Night Before Christmas, thus reinforcing all the Santa stereotypes. It seems to have worked and she is now successfully indoctrinated.
This morning, Christmas eve, she roared through breakfast dressed as a paper bag with a hole cut in it so she would stop bumping into the tables. Clever Mummy. She is feeling much better it seems but the tantrums erupt over small details and would be readily quieted if I would just give in but I won't. Mean Mummy.
Tonight we are planning on putting out cookies and milk for Santa and pulling a few carrots for the reindeer. We hope that Santa finds you too, whether drawn by reindeer, or Six White Boomers.
Take care,
Publish Post
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Ear Ache

Last night Fiona was grizzly and woke up crying over and over, She had a little temperature before going to bed and a bit of a runny we'd given her the tylenol and put her to bed, she was very tired after a long day sailing, partying etc. When she woke up in the night she sounded really upset and was damp and sweaty, so in she came to "mummy's bed" which is a rare treat for her only when she is sick. What a bad sleep. All night she woke up about every 30 minutes and cried MUUUUUUMMMMMYYYYY but wasn't quite awake...she tossed and turned and cried, At 4:30 she woke up and was quite articulate and said "my ear is hurting" then "both ears" are hurting, she wanted a bottle of milk, she got some more tylenol, I started to plan my morning and imagined sitting in the urgent care at 7:00 when they open, with a bunch of other grizzly kids...then I smiled and thought, how great, this means we won't be there on Christmas! Anyway. I had to take this picture because it gives you a good idea about how much room I had to sleep last night. I'm up, they're sleeping, and I imagine that there will be some big naps all around today.
Afternoon update: No trip to the Dr yet as there is no more fever, but fiona still has a rather short fuse and we are experiencing the terrible parent trap of "kid too tired to sleep" at the moment she's working on her nap after a couple of false starts....who knows what she'll be like when she wakes up.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
On Santa's Lap...well almost.

Hi All, We finally made our pilgrimage to the mall to visit Santa. Fiona was a bit worried about sitting on his lap, and chose the seat next to him instead. She has been excited to tell him about her present wish this year...a blue yo-yo and a blue book...Santa is now working on this and will no doubt leave these items under our tree next week. After we sat with Santa for a bit we said "good bye" and were on our way out of the north pole themed area, Fiona pulled at my arm and said, "I forgot to give him a cuddle!" She ran back to fix this apparent slight and squeezed under the barricade that keeps Santa in...Gave him a big cuddle with both arms, and then came back to me quite content with her whole experience.
Here is also a picture from a preferred lap, playing banjo with her dad.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
And on to other things...

Hi all,It's been a busy first week of december, Fiona continues to forge on ahead without her dummies, she only asks for them occasionally. The Faries are occasionally accused of taking the dummies with a rather disgusted tone of voice, but it seems that she will be OK.
Here are some highlights from this week:
Fiona and I went to Natural Bridges state park to watch the Monarch butterflies roosting on a cool afternoon, we went to the beach after that and collected feathers and watched the crashing waves. (Jane, fiona brought her purple datsun 240 dink to play with in the sand)

On saturday night we stayed out late watching the Lighted Boat Parade in the harbour. There were lots of boats decked out in lights and fake santas aplenty. Fiona is really interested in the whole santa thing this time around. She is quite excited to meet him and get the blue yoyo she has been asking for. I tried to tell her today how late he would come to our house and that he had a lot of presents to deliver...So far she knows that we need a tree and that we don't have one yet, and that he brings the presents to put under it. It should be really fun... anyway, the boat parade was great. Maybe we'll decorate ours next year.

Her e is Fiona "helping" Marieke bake a cheesecake.

And this picture is of Devon and fiona tonight reading, "Where the Wild Things Are" complete with rolling of eyes and roaring and gnashing of teeth etc.

I hope that y'all's dinner is still hot by the time you get to it.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
The Fairy Cape

Well, Things are still a little rough. Fiona has had a bit of trouble sleeping without a dummy for her nap today. I think that it will get easier for her. I keep reminding her that the fairy babies are using them and she replies, "just one." Back rubs help. we'll keep you posted.
The picture shows her Fairy cape (with sparkles), her fairy necklace, and the box with the thank you note from the fairies.
Update: Tonight at bed time I told Fiona that if she woke up in the night and wanted her dummy she should just tell the fairies "I'm a big girl and I don't need a dummy." She carefully repeated a couple of times with a big smile on h er face. We look forward to hearing this rather than crying tonight.
The Dummy Fairy Cometh

Last night, after a few days of Fiona explaining the dummy fairy (The dummies are needed by baby fairies so just put your old dummies in the magic box and there will be a surprise in there the next morning and the baby fairies will be Soooooo happy) excitedly the night was upon us. Fiona was having a few misgivings I think that she realized that if all her dummies were in a box under a bush in the living room then she wouldn't have one for the night.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Our Australia Trip
Sleeping on the plane

Hi All,
As it turned out blogging on the road was not as fun as spending time with family or playing so here is the update.
We had a wonderful visit to Brisbane first to stay with Uncle Ben and Auntie Ju and Fiona's Cousins. It was beautiful weather and fiona had a wonderful time playing on the swings and swimming in the kiddie pool. There was some trouble with sharing but these are things I think that we will be working on for a long time. W got to see Alex for a little while (thanks for the car) We visited Grandad Ken's House and had a wonderful lunch there. Thankfully we got out of Brisbane before the storms came in.
Swinging with the kids

With Grandad Ken

After Brisbane we went to Kapunda, South Australia and stayed with Nana Jane and spent time with Chris Beryl and John Lowe. It was hot for the first couple of days and then cooled off. Fiona helped with the Drought they are having by bathing in a bucket and then putting the water on the potatos in the garden. She ate a sausage roll on Devon's behalf, visited the duck pond, went to her first live play, Ran feral in the yard, swang on the swing, was babysat one day bu her Great grandmother, played with dogs, painted a frog, ate weetbix, drank milo, rode in the wheelbarrow, played chris's drums, slept well, and gave out lots of cuddles.
Painting Frog

At the Duckpond
Uncle Chris Wheelbarrow
Bucket bath
After Kapunda we visited Sydney where Nick Nikki and Jonathon are. Nick Met us at the airport and we took a taxi together to Kings Cross. We stayed at Nick and Nikki's place. Fiona was not as gentle as she should have been with their Dog Frank. We Enjoyed a ride on the ferry to Taronga Zoo and Fiona was cradled by her uncles all the way home after she fell asleep after the zoo's excitement. Fiona had her own hot chocolate and croissant at a city cafe (very fancy) and she behaved very well.
Ferry ride with Nikki and uncle Jonathon
City Life (notice she's wearing black)

Yoga with Uncle Nick
The plane ride home went smoothly, Fiona even ate some of the airplane food. She enjoyed watching movies while she was awake and slept really well the rest of the time.
We had more spare clothes than we needed on the plane and so I think that next time will be a much lighter, nappy free trip. Incidentally I think that Fiona had about 5 dry nights on our holiday and so hopefully this is a good sign.
We're happy to be home, It was wonderful to visit with all our family. Of course we wish that we had Devon with us but it was also wonderful to spend this time with together and to learn about traveling together. (I was a little worried before we left but the worries were unfounded) Thanks to everyone who took care of us!!!!!!!!!
We're now looking forward to a quiet holiday season here at home. You are all welcome to visit.

Hi All,
As it turned out blogging on the road was not as fun as spending time with family or playing so here is the update.
We had a wonderful visit to Brisbane first to stay with Uncle Ben and Auntie Ju and Fiona's Cousins. It was beautiful weather and fiona had a wonderful time playing on the swings and swimming in the kiddie pool. There was some trouble with sharing but these are things I think that we will be working on for a long time. W got to see Alex for a little while (thanks for the car) We visited Grandad Ken's House and had a wonderful lunch there. Thankfully we got out of Brisbane before the storms came in.
Swinging with the kids


After Brisbane we went to Kapunda, South Australia and stayed with Nana Jane and spent time with Chris Beryl and John Lowe. It was hot for the first couple of days and then cooled off. Fiona helped with the Drought they are having by bathing in a bucket and then putting the water on the potatos in the garden. She ate a sausage roll on Devon's behalf, visited the duck pond, went to her first live play, Ran feral in the yard, swang on the swing, was babysat one day bu her Great grandmother, played with dogs, painted a frog, ate weetbix, drank milo, rode in the wheelbarrow, played chris's drums, slept well, and gave out lots of cuddles.
Painting Frog

At the Duckpond

Uncle Chris Wheelbarrow


Bucket bath

After Kapunda we visited Sydney where Nick Nikki and Jonathon are. Nick Met us at the airport and we took a taxi together to Kings Cross. We stayed at Nick and Nikki's place. Fiona was not as gentle as she should have been with their Dog Frank. We Enjoyed a ride on the ferry to Taronga Zoo and Fiona was cradled by her uncles all the way home after she fell asleep after the zoo's excitement. Fiona had her own hot chocolate and croissant at a city cafe (very fancy) and she behaved very well.
Ferry ride with Nikki and uncle Jonathon

Yoga with Uncle Nick

The plane ride home went smoothly, Fiona even ate some of the airplane food. She enjoyed watching movies while she was awake and slept really well the rest of the time.
We had more spare clothes than we needed on the plane and so I think that next time will be a much lighter, nappy free trip. Incidentally I think that Fiona had about 5 dry nights on our holiday and so hopefully this is a good sign.
We're happy to be home, It was wonderful to visit with all our family. Of course we wish that we had Devon with us but it was also wonderful to spend this time with together and to learn about traveling together. (I was a little worried before we left but the worries were unfounded) Thanks to everyone who took care of us!!!!!!!!!
We're now looking forward to a quiet holiday season here at home. You are all welcome to visit.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
What follows is a long winded account of my trip to Peru, cribbed from emails I sent while there. I went to a meeting for two days in Lima, and then flew to the Inca capital city of Cusco.
Always with the goddamned panflutes!
The last day in Lima was fine but overall I´d say Lima is a s@&t hole.
Not to be too harsh, but it is a really, really big city (7 million) in a desert and apparently it is foggy all the time. Some cool parks though, including one that had an exhibit of political cartoons from all over the world about global warming, water shortage, etc. I´ll have a half a day there on the way back and will go to an older part of the city I think.
Always with the goddamned panflutes!
The last day in Lima was fine but overall I´d say Lima is a s@&t hole.

The meeting was fine and I made contact with a few of biologists. I must have impressed them with my crappy Spanish because I think I will be invited to be on an advisory panel for the group so there could be more trips in the future. We´ll see.
So Cusco. Much bigger than expected, 500,000 people. I got here around 9 am and now at 4 pm I am completely overwhelmed. Just walked around looking, bought a toothbrush and sunscreen. The sun is really strong my face was red after a short walk around. It is like an old colonial European city inhabited entirely by tiny Inca people, with giant white folks wandering around looking at everything.
Lots of huge churches, and everything is made of stone. Actually not that many tourist all things considered and we seem to have an unwritten rule to avoid eye contact so we can pretend to be the only ones here. Just now in the main plaza there was a big dancing show, with several groups of dancers and hundreds of people watching and almost all of them were locals. Flute music of course, and girls dancing in traditional and non-traditional costumes. Seemed to be very local, maybe a high school thing as all the girls were standing around taking pictures with their families.

I got a hotel room, splurged s/45 (15 bucks) for my own bathroom and paid the extra $1.50 for a room with a window and breakfast. Took a nap immediately, and still feel dizzy from the altitude. One block from the plaza de Armas, where they seem to have a PA system playing pan flute music all the time (actually mostly tube flutes with holes like a recorder). I also made arrangements for the homestay tomorrow, in Chinchero, a village near here. I´m thinking to avoid Maccu Pichu altogether, but I´ll see how things go.
Found the tourists
I´ve had a headache since I got here, and the coca leaves I bought from a woman in the street (along with a chunk of dried mud and ash to chew with them) don´t seem to be helping as much as I hoped. Haven´t slept well either. I´m a little worried too because the village Chinchero is another 600 m up. Hopefully it gets better.
Last night I wandered around near the main square for a while looking around and saying ¨no, no quiero weed¨, ¨no quiero cocaine¨, ¨no quiero un masaje¨. I thought it was just because I am guy traveling alone, but then I went into a pub and started talking with a group of Australians (I just wanted to speak a little English). One couple was traveling all around the world, and the woman said she got offered the masajes here also, so I guess maybe they are legitimate spa treatments and not the kind with a happy finish. I chose not to find out.
This morning I did the hike to the ruins near Cusco, which was pretty steep but OK. At the ruins I found the tourists. Quite a few hiked up with me, and then bus loads were at the site, which is kind of like an Andean Stonehenge.
On the hike down I took some side streets and ended up in a district called San Blas, which is the "artists quarter". Lots of people selling handicrafts, and lots and lots of tourists. If I haven´t bought enough crap, er, presents, I´ll come back here on the last day.
Chinchero y mas.
Not even sure where to start, so a random list of thoughts follows:
which were pretty impressive, and then went off on this hike. Long way up the valley on a dirt road, not sure where I was going but asked directions and kept going and eventually found the old ruins. No tourists around at all and a spectacular valley. Huffed and puffed a bit, but it is a lot lower down there so not too bad. Took a great trail back, not the road, way up high on the side of the mountain.
Cusco to Santa Cruz in 34 hours
Short: taxi, plane, taxi, taxi, taxi, plane, plane, train, train, train, train, bus, bus, feet.
9am, Cusco. Taxi to airport (s/7), plane to Lima.
Noon. Leave big backpack in storage at Lima airport, taxi to Museo de la Nacion (s/40).
Museo de la Nacion sucks, but does have an interesting photo documentary exhibit on the violence and political problems with the sendero luminoso and MRTA from 1983-2000.
Taxi to my original hotel in San Isidro. Ask taxi to wait while I get my suit and bag, but the people in the hotel have no idea about my bag. crap. My terrible explanation in Spanish doesn't help. Let taxi go and pay him s/15. Eventually hotel people find my bag, and all is good.
3pm. Get another taxi. Think of trying another museum and then hanging out in Plaza Bolivar, named after Simon Bolivar, 'El Libertador', revered in most northern South American countries for his role in their independence from Spain. Unfortunately, the hotel woman recommends Plaza San Miguel, which also sounds good but turns out to be not a cool old plaza, but a f#*ing mall. In fairness, the hotel woman did refer to it as a 'centro comercial', but I just though that meant there would be some restaurants, etc. At that point I gave up and did the only sensible thing-- started drinking and eating empenadas in the cheesy mall cafe. Then I went to a movie, and yes, it was the worst movie I have ever seen. Black Sheep. Horror/comedy involving insane carnivorous genetically modified sheep in NZ. After movie, wander around for over an hour, looking at the crazy scene on street. The mall, casinos, Chili's, McDonalds, Starbucks, etc. All flashing lights, and the constant din of a thousand car horns all at once.
8pm. Taxi to airport. Driver asks for s/20. I am tired, so when I try to offer s/15, I say "cinquenta", or 50. Driver looks confused, I get in car, we go. Confused driver tries to ask if I meant than I only have a 50 sole bill and need change. To avoid discussing it I say yes, then give him a s/20 when we get the airport.
At airport, treat self to big dinner and two more beers, for s/52 total. This is more than I paid for a night in any of the hotels.
10pm. Find out plane is delayed 4 hours. After standing in line for 2 hours, get transfered to another flight, via Atlanta.
Lima-Atlanta. Mostly sleep, but also talk to a BYU law prof returning from a churchy humanitarian vacation. Turns out to be an interesting guy, we talk about my experiences at BYU, and politics. Amazingly he is pro Obama, so we have a good talk about that.
Atlanta-SFO. Boring, but at least I am not the guy I am sitting next to. This is his thirst ATL-SFO this week, carrying 'important documents' back and forth. A human FexEx. He usually flys first class, so is bummed to be next to me.
In SFO, get bag then finish with AirTrain, two Barts, CalTrain, Hwy17express, and bus to Bay/Nobel. Walk final 0.7 miles to house. Eat dinner, iChat with Louise and Fiona, sleep.
Found the tourists
I´ve had a headache since I got here, and the coca leaves I bought from a woman in the street (along with a chunk of dried mud and ash to chew with them) don´t seem to be helping as much as I hoped. Haven´t slept well either. I´m a little worried too because the village Chinchero is another 600 m up. Hopefully it gets better.
Last night I wandered around near the main square for a while looking around and saying ¨no, no quiero weed¨, ¨no quiero cocaine¨, ¨no quiero un masaje¨. I thought it was just because I am guy traveling alone, but then I went into a pub and started talking with a group of Australians (I just wanted to speak a little English). One couple was traveling all around the world, and the woman said she got offered the masajes here also, so I guess maybe they are legitimate spa treatments and not the kind with a happy finish. I chose not to find out.
This morning I did the hike to the ruins near Cusco, which was pretty steep but OK. At the ruins I found the tourists. Quite a few hiked up with me, and then bus loads were at the site, which is kind of like an Andean Stonehenge.

Chinchero y mas.
Not even sure where to start, so a random list of thoughts follows:
-took a bus to Chinchero where i had arranged to stay with a family. Arrived and found the head of the family, Pasqual, and went to their house. Another American guy was also staying there, which meant we could speak English but also meant that I didn´t speak as much Spanish since his was already better than mine.
-the kids here are ridiculously cute. There were four at the house, part of a huge extended family that I never fully figured out. The kids took us on a tour of the nearby Inca ruins, with the little 2 year old on my shoulders. Tons of fun and lots of screaming about la luna y el sol, which I later gathered are the main sacred things for the Incas (I think, but also rain, mountains, animals, etc.)
-we stayed at the family's house on Saturday night, and Sunday was the confirmation for the 15-year-old daughter. The whole family went down to Cuzco in the morning for church, and then came back for a huge feast in the afternoon. Armen and I wandered around Chinchero all morning, got a great tour of the ruins from a real guide (all in Spanish), and hung around the market. Market is a complete mix of a real farmers market and a tourist market. I´m not very good at shopping, but have managed to buy plenty of things.

-we stayed at the family's house on Saturday night, and Sunday was the confirmation for the 15-year-old daughter. The whole family went down to Cuzco in the morning for church, and then came back for a huge feast in the afternoon. Armen and I wandered around Chinchero all morning, got a great tour of the ruins from a real guide (all in Spanish), and hung around the market. Market is a complete mix of a real farmers market and a tourist market. I´m not very good at shopping, but have managed to buy plenty of things.
-still feeling the altitude, soroche, and drinking lots of coca tea. At 3 in the afternoon we started the feast with cake. Then soup, apparently very traditional for weddings, etc, with different kinds of potatoes, carrots, onions, and arteries. Then the main course, three baby pigs and some weird potatoes. All this in a big room at a long table, but eating with our hands, and the family in their Sunday best including three piece suits. Since we already had cake, desert was alcohol. First wine, but with only three wine glasses and about 15 people we took turns. Next was some kind of clear alcohol from a 2.5L Coca Cola bottle, again with the three glasses. After that was ´chicha´, a kind of homebrew made from corn that was pink and frothy. Different glasses now, but still taking turns. Finally they broke into the beers, for which we had plenty of glasses for everyone, but there were toasts for each round, long-winded speeches about the family and the daughter, etc.
-I needed to drop some elevation, so now I am about 1000m down in the river valley in Ollantaytanbo. Going to walk around and try to find a bar to ask around about the puticusi hike, but this town is actually amazing too so I might just spend the day here. It is original Inca, with stone paths through town and inca walls, etc. Also a major fortress ruins nearby. I need to be back in Cusco tomorrow night. Not enough time, should have stayed longer.
Gotta go, internet time running out and gonna cost me another sole.
La camineta
Back in Cusco. Last night in Ollantaytanbo I waffeled about trying to decide if I should go do the putucuci hike. The problem is that you can´t get to Aguas Calientes without riding the train, which is really expensive-- almost $100 round trip. And it started to seem stupid to go through all the hassel and then not go to Machu Pichu. And I didn´t really have time. So, I wandered into a bar where I heard some English being spoken, and found a Scottish woman who owns the bar. It turned out I was the only paying customer since the other three people were her parents and a friend who were visiting. Anyway, she told me about a hike from Ollantaytanbo to some other ruins, called Pumamarco, so today I first visited the actual Ollantaytanbo ruins, La camineta

Got back to the town and ate great menu lunch for s/6 and then hit the road back to Cusco. Getting around is funny, all prices are variable. There are taxis, buses, and ´colectivos´, which are basically minivans that hold 10+ people. But for example, on the way there, I went from Cusco to Chinchero on a bus for s/2.50, and then from there to Ollantaytanbo by taxi, for which the driver first asked s/80, but eventually settled for s/30! That was still way too high though, and on the way back I took a shared taxi and then a colectivo, for a total of s/11 all the way to Cusco. You clearly get what you know you can pay.
Cusco to Santa Cruz in 34 hours
Short: taxi, plane, taxi, taxi, taxi, plane, plane, train, train, train, train, bus, bus, feet.
9am, Cusco. Taxi to airport (s/7), plane to Lima.
Noon. Leave big backpack in storage at Lima airport, taxi to Museo de la Nacion (s/40).
Museo de la Nacion sucks, but does have an interesting photo documentary exhibit on the violence and political problems with the sendero luminoso and MRTA from 1983-2000.
Taxi to my original hotel in San Isidro. Ask taxi to wait while I get my suit and bag, but the people in the hotel have no idea about my bag. crap. My terrible explanation in Spanish doesn't help. Let taxi go and pay him s/15. Eventually hotel people find my bag, and all is good.
3pm. Get another taxi. Think of trying another museum and then hanging out in Plaza Bolivar, named after Simon Bolivar, 'El Libertador', revered in most northern South American countries for his role in their independence from Spain. Unfortunately, the hotel woman recommends Plaza San Miguel, which also sounds good but turns out to be not a cool old plaza, but a f#*ing mall. In fairness, the hotel woman did refer to it as a 'centro comercial', but I just though that meant there would be some restaurants, etc. At that point I gave up and did the only sensible thing-- started drinking and eating empenadas in the cheesy mall cafe. Then I went to a movie, and yes, it was the worst movie I have ever seen. Black Sheep. Horror/comedy involving insane carnivorous genetically modified sheep in NZ. After movie, wander around for over an hour, looking at the crazy scene on street. The mall, casinos, Chili's, McDonalds, Starbucks, etc. All flashing lights, and the constant din of a thousand car horns all at once.
8pm. Taxi to airport. Driver asks for s/20. I am tired, so when I try to offer s/15, I say "cinquenta", or 50. Driver looks confused, I get in car, we go. Confused driver tries to ask if I meant than I only have a 50 sole bill and need change. To avoid discussing it I say yes, then give him a s/20 when we get the airport.
At airport, treat self to big dinner and two more beers, for s/52 total. This is more than I paid for a night in any of the hotels.
10pm. Find out plane is delayed 4 hours. After standing in line for 2 hours, get transfered to another flight, via Atlanta.
Lima-Atlanta. Mostly sleep, but also talk to a BYU law prof returning from a churchy humanitarian vacation. Turns out to be an interesting guy, we talk about my experiences at BYU, and politics. Amazingly he is pro Obama, so we have a good talk about that.
Atlanta-SFO. Boring, but at least I am not the guy I am sitting next to. This is his thirst ATL-SFO this week, carrying 'important documents' back and forth. A human FexEx. He usually flys first class, so is bummed to be next to me.
In SFO, get bag then finish with AirTrain, two Barts, CalTrain, Hwy17express, and bus to Bay/Nobel. Walk final 0.7 miles to house. Eat dinner, iChat with Louise and Fiona, sleep.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Nekkid in Kapunda
Fiona has dispensed with clothes and is roaming the house and grounds with nothing on except her red shoes (when necessary) Things tha have bothered her are flies, heat, sun, wind, walking, having naps, dogs licking her feet, Milk that is too warm, milk that is too cold, prickles, rocks, being carried, and not being carried, but other than that she is a lovely travelling companion.
we're waiting for a phone call from daddy who gets home today...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Greetings from kapunda
Hi all, Fiona and I arrived in kapunda last night, Fiona is getting to be quite a sophisticated traveller, Organizing the pocket in front of her and reading the emergency information card, She still snubs her nose at all their food offerings and subsists on whatever milk I can get my hands on but Oh well.
Our big flight from san francisco went well, she slept some and entertained herself watching movies on the pane entertainment system and my Ipod. Reading books was another time sink. About 2 in the mornign after a 10 pm flight she woke with a bit of a start and peed around her nappy onto my leg and the edge of my seat so i smelled a bit like wee for the rest of our transit but the seat dried aventually. We had the window seat and but only needed to crawl over our neighbour a coupleof times. She complimented us on how well we did together, and how well behaved fiona was. (bragging mother moment)
After we landed in Sydney she was a bit unsure about getting on another plane but getting to ride ont he bus between the International and domestic terminal was novel enough to distract her. Getting through customs was fine but she kept saying that she needed to poo, but our line kept moving and I couldnt' leave it, so I ust told her to wait then as soon as we were through found a toilet and sat her on it and then she said that she didn't need to poo.
We got to Brisbane and bythen she really didn't want to get on another plane and said so. Ben and Annie were at the airport after some car drama, and we were happy to get home to their place. fioan and annie got along well and did a good job of sharing their toys. Charlotte and Ollie were wonderful with her and They all spent a good amount of time negotiating as to who got a go ont he ipod to play ganes/watch Nemo next.
We're here in Kapunda now, we stayed up late last night having a drink with everyone here. And thismorning we went out in the yard where there is a wonderful swing, fiona is still exhauted and is having an impromptu 9 AM nap (she needed it despite saying "I dont't need to sleep between the nose blowing and tears) She's not convincing when she says she doesn't need to sleep but her eyes are drooping.
We're looking forward to a lazy week here. Exploring int he garden and having a trip or two to the park or duck pond. I'll update with photos when I get home but until then....
take care,
Love Louise
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Jet Set
Devon is on his way to Peru for a week, and Fiona and I are packed and ready to go to Australia on Wednesday. So, if you feel a disturbance in the force in about 40 hours from this posting it is because a whole plane full of people are dealing with Fiona not wanting to eat her airplane food out of the wrong coloured dish.
Any positive energy in our direction is appreciated.
Love, Louise
Any positive energy in our direction is appreciated.
Love, Louise
Friday, October 31, 2008

We carved a pumpkin last night and are just about ready to go out for a little Trick-or-treating tonight. We'll only get to about four or five houses. I'm sure by next year she'll be up to more.
Carving the pumpkin was fun, Fiona was a bit hesitant to reach in but pronounced after she had seen us take a few handfulls of pumpkin goo out, "Its not scary." and then dug in for herself.

It will be a dark and stormy night tonight but we'll have our otter in before too late.
Happy Halloween,
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Big Kahunah

Devon took Fiona out for her first surf yesterday. It was a bit cold. Cowells was in the shade but the tide and the "waves" were just right. Fiona was initially a bit put off by the water, but she watched Devon ride a little wave in and said that she wanted to do it too. They went out and caught a wave in, Fiona was a bit nonplussed about being splashed in the face but seemed to enjoy it. She spent the rest of our time on the beach, working up the courage to touch sea anemonies left exposed by the low tide. We'll let you know how she does the next time.
The Rest of October

Hi All,
We haven't spent much time blogging this month, we have been having lots of fun though. Lots of sailing and other adventures. We are all looking forward to our November travels. Devon is off to Peru for "work" and Fiona and I are going to be visiting all the rellies in Australia. We leave on the 5th of November and will be away for three weeks. Thank goodness for flexible jobs!!! Hopefully with the republicans out by the time we board and we will settle into a peaceful flight across the Pacific Ocean. Here are some recent pics of October fun:

Fiona Visiting the Nina (a reproduction of Columbus's Ship)Which is visiting our harbour
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Boat repair and Bluegrass
A big weekend-- four days long-- of finishing all the work on the boat and getting her back in the water. She has all new rigging, many little things fixed, and new paint all over. Also, a friend from back in our Georgia days, Dina Roberts, came down from the wet land up in Oregon and Wa. to soak up some sun and the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival up in Golden Gate Park. Meanwhile, Fiona had a busy weekend playing with Grammy and Grampy. Then on Monday we all got on the boat to bring her back to Santa Cruz from the Moss Landing boat yard. A strong head wind and a good swell made for some wet and heavy going, but we made it to the harbor safe and sound with Fiona sleeping almost the whole way!

Monday, September 22, 2008
Another Moment in Time

This past Saturday we went down to Pacific Grove to visit Grammy and Grampy, and go to a special insect show at the museum. We also did another recreation photo like the one we did last year. This time we copied a photo of Devon with grandparents Ralph and Mildred, taken in the exact same spot in their backyard. The patio is due for a remodel soon, but you can still see the same stains on the concrete!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Quote of the Day:
A two-year-old is kind of like having a blender, but you don't have a top for it.
---Jerry Seinfeld
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Santa Cruz County Fair 2008
We did the fair last night and had a wonderful time. Seeing it with Fiona means that we spent less time in the horticulture and arts, and more with the livestock. She had lots of fun and this morning when she woke up said that she wants to go again. I don't know if she has the concept of an annual event yet.
Here are some pics:
Here are some pics:
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