Well, it all worked out, despite a few forays into being naughty recently Fiona still had the ear of Santa and He pulled through nicely this morning. She woke up at about 7 after a sleepless, then drugged with benadryl, night. She looked out into the porch where the tree was and Said "GOODNESS" with a high squeal. Thank proceeded into the porch to stare dumb founded at the heap that Santa had left for us all. She really liked unwrapping things and as it happens the blue book and blue yo yo that had been requested last week were provided.
Oh and by the way, he and the reindeer even ate the snack.

Merry Christmas,

1 comment:
Hey Fi, want to come and live with me, Aunty Ju?? I'll am willing to exchange you for my very expensive children! So at Xmas, tell your ma and pa your are coming to me, and that my three will be coming to live with them for the week. I am sure Santa will get things like a yo yo under our tree - no worries. Just make sure the Santa Cruz Santa knows to buy a Wii (300 bucks), Nintendo DS (200 bucks) etc etc for my kids. Thanks!! xx
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