This weekend we participated in the Rail Trail Train Ride, We took the train from Downtown up through the forest to Felton and then rode our bikes down, the train ride was beautiful and the forest was cool and lovely and then we had to wait in the hot sun for the bikes to be unloaded, We had a bit more waiting while all 500 people got organized to ride downhill and then Fiona fell asleep. So she got to enjoy the train ride and then she was pretty much unaware of the ride back down to Santa Cruz. Here are she and devon on the train going up to Felton.
In nine days we'll be giving air travel another go on the way to Chicago, hopefully it will be more relaxing than the flight to New Zealand. We're looking forward to visiting with Jim and Mary Jo there and then doing a bit of camping on the Mississippi river. It used to take Devon and I 20 minutes to pack whether we were going for a week or a month, With Fiona we are both quite out of pracice and bringing a few different things, so this week we'll be packing a bit and playing a lot. Whan we get back from Chicago fiona starts Preschool at the Village School. It has a Yurt, lots of cool things to with, is close to the park:
Here is the Description:
The Village Preschool has been providing a Waldorf inspired enrichment and childcare for six years. We are located on the Westside of Santa Cruz. Our emphasis is healthy play and participation in life skills such as cooking and caring for animals. Our seasonal circle times are a fun bilingual experience. We travel through the days with song, safely contained by a rhythmic schedule including organic snacks and lunches.
Pretty Santa Cruz....Fiona is excited and as she has learned Mary had a little lamb, refers to school as "school-one-day" and points to herself, mentions that ther will be kids there and that she is going there "soon" June 3rd actually. She'll be doing that Tuesday and thursday mornings which will leave me with a good piece of time to catch up on bikerides, gardening, reading, surfing etc.
So we're looking forward to a fun summer.
Sounds like it will be a good summer....
I really like the train picture. Riding downhill sounds like the way to go!
Wow - I only was gone from the blog for a while, and all this news!! The pre-school sounds like just the ticket. We call that Kindy - Preschool is only next year for Annie - which is now Prep anyways (they wear a uniform and do the full school day, but play, learn, nap etc etc). I find at three Annie was so so keen for all the socialising that went on at daycare. The way we live now, all insular and non-community - the kids really thrive on it and need it :-)
Good news is, I finally have the postage cash and am SO looking forward to posting the things to Fi tomorrow. The only problem is, I have collected so much and bought so much that it will take at least two go's to send!! But I think it will be fun for her to get them. Wish you guys were all closer (cheaper postage!!) - just kidding xxxxx
Baby Fiona!! I posted your pressie today!!!
Well, half of it anyways, so I made sure it was the BEST half!!
Hope you have fun getting it and opening it and mucking around with all the junk in it... we want pics!!
Love heaps
Aunty Ju xx
One of my favourite photos ever!!!! I need a print!
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