Hi All,
So we didn't have enough to do in our spare time so we thought we'd get a boat.
Here she is "Califia" an Ericson 27. Actually we're in a partnership with another person (Paul) who knows more about sailing that we do. He's a sailing instructor and is willing to teach us the ropes (so to speak). So we're looking forward to some time on the water. Fiona already enjoys it and, for those who care, she wears a lifejacket and is tethered in when we're sailing.
We have already had a couple of forays out to the mile buoy off of Santa Cruz to which she wondered as we were sailing away, "...where is the mile buoy going?" She also spends a bit of time calling the dolphins over and looking for sea lions.
We're hoping to get to the point where we can sail to Monterey for the weekend. In the future we would like to go a lot further but for now well stay close.