Here is a picture of Fiona hanging out after school last week. She is enjoying being a big girl, though her mum and dad are looking forward to a time we don't (hear shouted in our general direction): "My poo, it's in my pants!!!!." Though a wonderful sentence is always enjoyed. She only wears "big girl" undies now, still has a nappy at night. Even if you think something more absorbent for an extended errand run would be helpful, you would be wrong according to her, and you are better off bringing extra pants and undies and knowing exactly where the nearest toilet is at all times.
She surprised us by singing "Life is Hard, but life is Harder, when you're two" the other morning while getting dressed. It made us laugh, she was clearly having a rough time though.
She is still trying to live her life by the do-all-by-self principle which does tend to make things harder but what else are we to do.
We are also looking for advice: Fiona is very friendly, talks to everyone at the grocery store and walking down the street...when do you have the "stranger" talk to kids and how do you go about shattering their innocent view on the world? Suggestions? I hate that we even have to broach the subject at all. Damn world. Life is hard.
Tricky, isn't it....
The stranger danger thing will come up at school too, you know and then you can just support the line there... as long as you're happy with the attitude of the school people. There's no "black and white" answers to this, or lots of other questions.
There is also the problem of letting kids take risks... scary, but it's bound to happen sooner or later.
I like the picture of Fiona at school. She is looking more and more grown up now, isn't she...
She is looking awesome!! Lou, I appreciate your consciensciosness, but that thought never entered my mind to be honest!! I loved my kids talking with others, and if anything was proud of it and encouraged them to speak up and clearly to 'strangers' if they smiled and asked how they were. But that is because mammas like you and I are always going to be with our kids :-), and our kids are more often than not in very safe environments, so we don't have to fear them being out and about alone. I was big on advising what to do if LOST - because that is a time of potential danger!! They learned about shop uniforms and going to other mothers with kids from about Fi's age, and I once watched Ollie do it when he thought he was lost :-) He asked the David Jones shop attendant to help him - an elderly woman in the uniform :-) Other than that, I think it is good and healthy and reasonably feasible to encourage them to feel safe and confident in their worlds when their carers and parents are about! Too much paranoia in the world!! Hope that helps - it comes with love xxxxx
PS how about conscientiousness??? har har har har !!!
PPS I told ya darling - two and a half and they are only getting ready to conquer the poo - it ain't easy! As Fiona is telling you in her very clever little song! :-)
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