Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sleeping Lion

Fiona currently contained behind this door

Fiona had the biggest tantrum of her life just before lunch today. It's hard to say what the problem was but it sure was wild. She's had a cold this week so she was a bit grumpy, we went to the park before hand but she wasn't her usual playful self, we came home by normal lunch time, I asked her what she wanted and she said a bagel with cream cheese...thats when things started, she didnt' want to eat at the table, so she sat on the floor in the kitchen but them moved to the dining table where I was sitting but didn't want me there. I said that I wasn't going to move and that we could sit together bla bla bla, and that's when she went screaming to her room, tore her clothes off and thumped about screaming on the ground for about 20 minutes. I told her she could come out when she felt better, offered her a bottle of milk (refused), and then closed the door most of the way. After a couple more minutes she quieted down and fell asleep on her bed, naked, door closed as you can see from above.

On a lighter note we are looking forward to having Mareke with us in the fall, Fiona's other babysitter Katie's younger sister. Fiona and she get along quite well. She'll take care of fiona while I'm working.

Hope all is well with you and yours.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Put on your whiniest voice start with the phrase "Hey! Thats MY..." then insert one of many nouns like: pillow, teddy, dummy, drink, bowl, food item, tool, mummy. Then repeat.....ALL DAY LONG. And you'll be just like Fiona this week.


Friday, August 22, 2008


We took Devon's parents to try some whitewater this past weekend. Fiona had a go of the raft at the put-in with her daddy then spent the day with me.
One day when she's much bigger she'll get to go downriver.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

6 Tons!

We finally pulled the trigger on the front yard, rented a roto-tiller, ripped up the lawn, and started landscaping. After lots more digging and a lucky find of some limestone boulders quarried from UCSC we soon had a rock wall and granite path by the street and driveway. We'll get some plants in soon, as well as a garden bed. In the meantime, Fiona loves climbing on the rocks, and playing on the pile of decomposed granite. Luna is doing her hound dog thing out there too.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Nappy?

Fiona has been sleeping for almost three hours this afternoon! That's a pretty long nap. Before her nap she was arguing with me saying "I don't want to sleep," and writhing about in my arms. So now I'm waiting for her to wake up..But I don't remember putting a nappy on her before her nap... oh crap!...Probably will have some wet sheets to contend with. Where was my brain?

Update: Bed was dry!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Day Sailing

Hi all,
We had a lovely afternoon sail today. Fiona did really well, We went out with our boat partner Paul. The wind was nice and strong and we got to sail "fast" while heeling over quite a lot. Fiona had a go of steering while we were still at the dock, but once tethered in and out on the bay she mostly sat on Devon's lap. Lots of pelicans flying today, also otters and harbour seals. Fiona heard the sea lions under the wharf, and thought they sounded a lot like the mile buoy. We forgot to bring our bottle of wine, may have to wait for a day with less wind.

Dad at the tiller

On our way back to the harbour


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Bike Drama

This morning Fiona fell off her tricycle in the dining room. She hit her eye and forehead on a table, cracked the table (don't worry she said "daddy will fix it") , she had a good cry, but by the afternoon she had developed this trick... She positioned a pillow next to the trike so she could fall off without any trouble (check out the video, a bit cut off because we ran out of memory). She did it over and over until we went out for a real bike ride in the bike wagon. No crashes there, and Fiona, having played at the park is now fast asleep, a little cut on her eyelid and scratch on her noggin from the morning and she may have a bit of a bruise show up tomorrow. We'll see.

She's getting to be an amazing talker, she is getting her tenses under control, using past tenses of irregular verbs and such. It is wonderful to watch her pick up new words and sing whole songs. Her latest song is "You Are My Sunshine." I'll have to get a video of that because it is beautiful to hear her little voice singing. She learns songs at school too and often I don't know the words to the school songs. This frustrates her but she does her best to teach me anyway. Who knew being a mum could be so much fun.