Hi all,
We had a lovely afternoon sail today. Fiona did really well, We went out with our boat partner Paul. The wind was nice and strong and we got to sail "fast" while heeling over quite a lot. Fiona had a go of steering while we were still at the dock, but once tethered in and out on the bay she mostly sat on Devon's lap. Lots of pelicans flying today, also otters and harbour seals. Fiona heard the sea lions under the wharf, and thought they sounded a lot like the mile buoy. We forgot to bring our bottle of wine, may have to wait for a day with less wind.
Why is it that I feel so much comfort seeing a photo of Paul?
I can see so many happy sailing days ahead, for all of you. Its a case of "wish I was there" all over again. damn old age. love Beryl
Looking good! I wish I was there too.
Hey Beryl, bear in mind this is your GREAT grand-daughter you are looking at ;-) you are doing awesome, and we expect to have you at Charlotte's 21st (only 11 year away) for lots of champagne!!
Boat looks good too :-)
Has anyone ever commented that Fiona looks just like Tigerlily the daughter of Hutchence and Yates? It is uncanny. xx
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