Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Here is fiona in the bike wagon downtown the other day. But the funnier part is this...Fiona playing hide and seek:

We count to 5 and she hides, in obvious and common places like behind the door of her room or on the chair like this.

Also, she has been telling the same joke for a while now we thought we should share it with y'all,

Where does baby _(name)____ poo?
In his/her NAPPY!!!!!!!!!

Then she laughs in a disgusted sort of way and repeats the joke again.

At least she keeps things simple for her tired parents.


John L said...

That's a great joke. I think I'll use that one at the next party I go to.

Devon said...

And you wonder why you don't get invited to many parties???

John L said...

Is that why? I have been wondering. Every time Jane gets an invitation on her own I've just thought it was because I used the wrong brand of deodorant.

Ju said...

man, this is funny! all our kids went through the 'joke' phase - you end up laughing at stuff that is SO not funny - just while they work out their comedy repetoires - i love the early joke phases!!