Fiona is still as she puts it "not feeling my best." After vegging out on Go Diego Go followed by Land Before Time she cuddled onto my lap and said' "Mama, may I sleep?' At which point I bundled her off to her favourite place for a nap, my bed, where she is sleeping now. She did have a 103 degree fever which made it an easy sale, but I gave her some tylenol, fought briefly about taking her Pj's off (4:00PM) to cool her down, she refused, i don't have the heart to tell a kid who says she's "cold" to remove her warm top... so she's now warm and sweaty in my bed and as soon as devon comes home from work.....she's all his.
Poor little thing... just keep up the tyenol and make sure that you all get plenty of rest.
It's Devon's turn when he gets home!!!
His turn with the sick baby, that is! not a nap!
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