We had a great weekend this past one, our friend
Dina came to town again, so we did all the fun stuff that we never do unless someone is here from out of town. this included a trip to the
boardwalk where Fiona got to ride on the ferris wheel for the first time, and had another go of the carousel, which was great because it has horses and anything with a horse right now is better than breathing, better than life, better than anything really. She takes her hobby horse Scarlet (she mispronounces as "scar-lick" which is cute in a grotesque way) all over the place. Anyhow from the top of the ferrris wheel fiona spotted a green plane and really wanted to fly so what's a mum to do...
So after the weekend I just had to make it to tuesday as I had been planning a day in San francisco to see the
King Tut exhibit. I had a great time in Golden Gate park and went to the
De Young and the
Cal Academy. I saw lots of amazing things and walked about unencumbered...I saw parents dealing with emergent toilet stops, tantrums, strollers,and sticky snacks, but I was carefree with a small purse, ate in the museum cafe and for the drive up and back did not play "i spy" or sing children's songs. It was a very relaxing day and I look forward to another one sometime soonish.
Here are some of the things I saw, Couldn't take pictures of King Tut (sorry) something about a curse...
New Lucy (some random chick) standing near old Lucy at the Cal Academy
Big Fruit--De Young
Precolumbian Sun God-De Young
Precolumbian Rain God--De Young
It makes me remember days with Chrissy, after his "eye appointments" and our trips to the DeYoung.
Chris, being different even then, was not a problem at all and I actually enjoyed his reactions to some artworks...
He had an incredible reaction to one particular Giacometti sculpture that we first saw froma distance... Chrissy freaked! I couldn't work out why, until I got up close and found a collection of wierd bits on the floor. It was a Giacometti sculpture entitled "woman with her throat cut" but only when I saw the title did I have the same reaction as Chris....
there's more to art and thinking than this world dreams of....
... but I'm glad that mums still get days off.
Don't you sing children's songs when you're on your own?
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