Well after passing coughs and colds back and forth in our family since November, we have had a week or so of no coughing in the night but Fiona has learned to wield her sick day powers. She was sent home for the first time the other day for complaining of a sore ear, this after I had spend 2 hours at the doctor getting her "sore ear" cleaned out and given a pass medically speaking.

At the doctor's office with the ear cleaning out supplies.
We have been enjoying a bit of spring surf as a family. My advice in putting a three-year-old into a wet suit is to have them wear socks...helps to slide. 
Fiona at Cowells Special 
And fiona is a wicked tic tac toe player. She likes to know who is to win each game prior but is learning the art of losing graciously and winning nicely. I do throw most of the games but she gets such delight out of drawing her victory line! I'll add in more losses as she progresses.
Spring is trying to happen here in santa cruz and I hope the seasons are enjoyable where you are too.
P.S. Speaking of Wicked... a literary milestone passed in that we read for many nights Vicki's old copy of The Wizard of Oz, chapter by chapter. We saved our place each night with a chicken feather. Now I'm reading Wicked and fiona wants to "read a chapter" with me still. Not really good kid material in there, but a good read for those who otherwise need to know all Dorothy/Glenda/Witch references starting at 7:30 every morning.
Doctors office picture Amazing likeness of Louise, at 4 in Kapunda, I usually see a strong resemblance to Devon, but this is so so Louise !!! Oh well ! I suppose you can drop the DNA test now. love, Beryl
I'm pretty sure she's mine, It's nice to hear that she looks like me too,
You should know.
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