The outfit: Giraffe pants, Cheetah hoodie, australian animals tshirt, silver shoes, music socks and skirt with pink flowers!
The day finally came....August 31st! Fiona has been counting down to for the past 6months or so and we made it! Fiona's first Day of Kindergarten in Miss Erny's class room 20 at Westlake School.
We were worried that we wouldn't be there in time but all our practice these last weeks has paid off. With an alarm were at the table eating breakfast by 7AM, already dressed with hair brushed. That's a feat for our family.

Bag was packed with snack, and teeth were brushed, then OUT THE DOOR bu 7:50
We went on bikes, fiona's skills on her own bike aren't quite up to the challenge so I had her on the trail-a-bike. We're going to try to do a mix of walking and riding depending on the weather...
Almost there...

It did feel different dropping her off in Kindergarten rather than at preschool. Certainly she's ready, it's just the thought of leaving her in the sea of all those kids that feels different than the familiar arms of her Preschool teacher Laura. But we left her there happily reading and at the beginning of her great adventure in school. She's ready and we're right with her.
Fiona reading in the reading spot.

Looks like a great day was had by all!
Hi Fiona
cute girl ... Hope u long happy life .. I have a daughter like u and I like her sooooo much...
That is excellent, congratulations on starting Kindy, Fiona.
We loved seeing photos of this great event and look forward to more.
Lots of love from your aussie relations.
Reading this i remembered my first day of preschool (aussie equivelent of kindy :-) )
I was so exited and had been talking about it for weeks and once i was in there i nearly forgot to say goodbye to mum- i was too busy to saying hello to miss cathy and my friends and playing!
Hope you are having a great time there, Fiona :-D
Wow! She has grown so much!!
Lots and Lots of love
Charlotte xoxo
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