Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Visit

We made the annual pilgrimage to the mall today to meet up with Santa who visits there every year. On the way there Fiona accounted for the "few"times that she hasn't been "nice" and wrote them off as days when she was, "just a bit tired." She insisted that there wouldn't be many more of them in the future.

Her request of Santa this year:
  • An "owl of any size" as we discussed that if he brought a "Giant Owl" which had been a first choice there wouldn't be much room on the sleigh for other kids' stuff. This owl thing comes from her recent Harry Potter obsession and the owls featured therein.
  • She also asked that Santa bring a "present for kids who don't have a mother or father"...Sniff sniff. He assured her that he would.

I don't know if she will still be a true believer next year...but I hope so.

Love Louise


Jane said...

The "tired" excuse for the bad days seems like an opportunity for some parental brownie points.....

... I hope the owl is medium sized.

Ju said...

Love it! Gee she's gorgeous xx