Thursday, March 29, 2012

Clavicular magic.

The doctor says Fiona Has about 3 weeks to go with the sling...and might be able to skate on her birthday...she's doing super well. Apparently kids bones heal very fast, there might be a bump at first and then that will disappear after a few months. In the meantime we are still having extra ice cream and movies...


Jane said...

Beautiful bones though :)

Nikk said...

Gosh Fiona, you broke your collar bone!? Dang. That must hurt. I fell off my bike recently and broke my elbow :-( I never knew how important that thing half way down my arm was until I couldn't use it!

I hope you your bones knit quick and you get to go skating soon.

Much love to you and your folks.


Unknown said...

Goodness Fiona!! How did you brake your collar bone?

A boy in my class in grade 2 broke his collar bone and his elbow because he fell off the climbing frame, it looked really sore!! I hope you heal soon, and can skate again!

I haven't broken any bones, maybe you could tell me about it?

Cant wait to see you again!

Love and Hugs,
Cousin Charlotte xxx