It's fiona's first father's day, and she has had a full one so far. She woke up at the usual 4:30 after a 5 hour stretch and then proceeded to poo for an hour or so went back to sleep until 8:00 (we changed her nappy first of course). That is a good time for fiona, post poo in the morning and well rested, she hung out with her mum and dad in bed smiling and cooing. Nappy changed fed again and ready for a rest, she slept until about 11:00. Up fed and nappy changed then off to the pub to watch France Korea in the world cup. Some of you might be wondering why we didn't make it to the Brazil Australia one...well that morning sleep is crucial and we weren't going to mess with it. After the match we went back home, a little grumpy, ahe ate, pooed, ate a bit more. Sleept with her dad on the couch until mum picked her up and saved her dad from the wiggles. (he needed a nap too) Mum and Fiona slept for a couple of hours. Wake, poo, nappy change, feed...then hunt around for a snack in the kitchen for those of us on solid food. Fiona passes out in her little battery powered swing. And that't where we are now. An eventful day for some a complete bore for others, but for us perfect.
Sounds good to me!!!!
and a beautiful photo too!
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