Today was a big day for Fiona immunologically. She had her first set of vaccinations. While she is now sleeping soundly and probably has little recall of the event. I, on the other hand, have lingering emotional scars from looking down at her when she was poked. First the look of shock and pain, and then her face turned red and she screamed louder than I have heard before (even louder than when I got some of her leg fat caught in her carseat buckle--mother shame) . But this picture is from a lighter moment yesterday, before we knew the horror of baby injections, Fiona and Devon having some quality time on the floor with all Fiona's toys.
PS No more needles for another 2 months and her daddy might get to hold her for that one.

The "before" picture is lovely.
The thought of the vaccination makes my tummy feel funny.
Poor little girl! Hopefully it will save her even more pain in later years.
And sick children in later years are no fun for mums either.
(It did remind me of holding a certain little girl while she had her head stitched, though. Not fun!)
I can definitely second Fiona's scream.
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