This is a page so that our family can keep up with Fiona from afar. Thanks for visiting. Love Devon and Louise
To celebrate Fiona’s arrival at the ripe ld age of three months we went on a camping trip. Her first, our first as parents. All off us loaded into the truck, dog included and set off for the mountains. Devon was going to squeeze in some kayaking and I was just going to see if it could be done.
We had a couple of errands to do on the way. We wanted to pick up a baby carrier at a baby store on the way. It was stinking hot in the valley as we found our way to a huge baby store we found a scrap of shade in the parking lot for Luna and then ran into the store out of the heat. We found the carriers and were happily comparing models when we looked down at our smiling child to see that she was kicking around in a puddle of her own poo. So we chose the carrier we were holding darted through the checkout and had our first tailgate nappy change.
Strapped back into the truck we continued to the mountains and seven hours later (the drive home only took us 4 ½ hours) found a lovely camping site overlooking the river Fiona really did well in the truck for all that time. We stopped for a couple of feeds along the way and Fiona entertained herself with toys and sleep most of the way.
Our first nights in our tent with Fiona were fine. She slept well and didn’t mind the change of scenery.
Next day rather than the big hikes that Luna and I usually do we hung around camp and went on a couple of short walks while Devon kayaked. We waved at him when he went by but I don’t’ think that Fiona could see that far.
Other camping feats, Fiona learned to nap in the back of the truck and she had her first taste of mountaineering with Devon and I on a short but high altitude trail. We pointed out the snow that Luna enjoyed to her, but again I don’t think that she could see that far
Love Louise