one white, two green, one pink (shown), one blue. We usually only know where one of them is at any given point in time. I think that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle left out the part about knowing where two dummies were at the same time. They were so caught up talking about particles that they didn't get specific.
Anyway, back to Fiona. When she is upset the dummy usually fixes the problem. If she is still upset she gets, swaddled, her nappy changed, cuddled, fed, bounced, sung to, and cried back at*-- so as to achieve a peaceful baby state again.
*Not necessarily in that order
I think parents are just as pleased with dummies as babies are.
Fiona is looking so much more grown up! Time flies!
if you look in the right side of the screen, under archives, you will be able to find the old posts. We had company this weekend and I haven't been at the computer. I will post tonight.
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