It's been a bit crazy around here. I haven't been able to post for a while because I've been either studying or attending to Fiona. I took my board exam yesterday, so now I can put away the books that I have been tied to for a long time. For those of you who have been looking forward to more Fiona Pictures...here they are.
The picture of her bed shows that we have moved her cardboard box that she sleeps in into her bed and so she sleeps there now still in her box. She is still sleeping well, though sometimes she wakes up and wants her dummy (pacifier) back in her mouth. We are waiting for her to learn to do that on her own and will adjust her allowance accordingly when that happens.
Fiona and her book is an illustration of just how advanced she is as a reader. Some of her friends in New York sent it to her. I did get her a copy of Where the Wild Things Are and read it too her. She looked at the pictures and I dont' think she kept up with the plot, but it was fun for me to get to read it to her. I still remember it by heard from reading it to Chris and Alex years ago.
Thank you for all your lovely comments by the way. I love to see that people actually look at this.
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