Hi All, We had our first overnight away from fiona this weekend. Devon's parents agreed to look after her over a saturday night while we enjoyed Fiona-free camping in Big Sur (much more relaxing than our
recent camping with her). This time we stayed at an amazing private property with spectacular views, even from the loo! The trip was a retreat with Devon's work, and the property belongs to our congressman, Sam Farr, who was also there. Interesting group to have grown-up conversations with. Also went surfing with friends and generally enjoyed a temporary lack of responsibility. Very nice, and very nice to get back to Fiona and all her craziness on Sunday. Below is what Fiona did while we were away, courtesy of Vicki.
After you left: distraction strategy worked, no fuss. She liked and clearly identified the glass fish in the patio.
Lunch at noon: string cheese; cottage cheese with guava sauce; small piece of bread with butter & jam; grapes, strawberries, apple; pieces of date bar; milk.
Afternoon nap: Went down nicely, slept 2:00 to 3:20.
I almost blew it by saying, when John came back from his afternoon lecture at the museum, Come to the window, look who is here! Fiona lit up, calling Mommy! But Grampy was welcomed warmly anyway.
During the day, she mentioned Mommy a few times, but not with significant distress or in any particular context. Told her that Mommy and Daddy would come tomorrow, which seemed OK.
Afternoon outing at Carmel Point was stretching it, but she enjoyed it and did fine. Didn't like Grampy disappearing with his group of students. Altogether 4:00 to 6:30 by the time we got home, but she had snacks (raisins and crackers) & water. Luna also got crackers.
Played on the beach for about half an hour, digging with the red spoon in the shelly sand and filling a plastic jar; looking a shells; climbing on the rocks.
Tired of that, we returned to the car, where Luna was waiting. Played with the steering wheel and all the buttons, great fun. [Display screens are now off; we will have to figure out how to reset them. Don't know how she did that!]
Walked a little, while waiting for John's group to return; very keen group, tho only middle-schoolers. Fiona said hi to various walkers. She really liked a spiffy-looking black convertible sports-car of some kind, wanted it! I had to explain that it wasn't ours. You need to discourage this expensive taste in cars....
Back in the carseat, Fiona indicated her left shoe, whimpering a little. Does it hurt? Yes. I took it off, and found several rocks in it! No complaints about the right one (and no rocks). So that was pretty clear. She's a good communicator.
Hungry for dinner: two big helpings of curly whole-wheat noodles with cottage cheese, cream cheese, sourcream, plus green peas. Grapes, strawberries, apple; pieces of date bar; milk.
Afterwards Fiona was clearly tired, but sweet, not cranky; puttered around happily while we made and ate a fast chicken-salad-dinner. Story, quick bath, in bed at close to 8 pm (Would Tiger like to go to bed? Yes.), went right to sleep. We have hopes of her sleeping late....
Two poo's, before and after dinner.
Moderately good night, despite some coughing, and one full-on standing wake up at 4 am. I mumbled that it was still sleepytime, laid her down, and apparently was convincing. She woke again at a few minutes before 6, rested with us for a few minutes in our bed, and then John was persuaded to be the hero (while I fell asleep until 8!).
Breakfast was Cheerios with raisins and yoghurt. Milk. Fluoride.
Stinky big poo after breakfast. A little irritated; put vaseline.
We all went for a walk on the rec trail with our hats and Luna, and were told we were "a picture." Lots of fun watching the boats, people and dogs, but especially climbing on the benches and drawing in the sandpath.
More milk, a story, nap from almost 10 am to 11:10.
Woke up happy. Many big smudgy kisses on Daddy's photo. Puttered. Helped Grammy with the flowers, dusting. Crayons.
Lunch at 1 pm, because earlier she insisted that she wasn't hungry. More noodles, etc., fruits, date bar, milk.
Another poo. A little irritated; put vaseline.
Outside with Grampy, building the chicken-house. Visiting with the Tom's and with Ranger, good time.
Milk, story, nap 2:45.
3:30, Devon & Louise home!