Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Tantrum in progress
Here is fiona at the end of a tantrum, It was all about running over the dog with something, I can't remember exactly, before I found the camera it was quite dramatic, much flailing of limbs and screaching on the ground. I though this would show a different side of her.
Happy Mother moment number 4,188,756,342
Monday, January 28, 2008
Turtles in the bath
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Special Bed

So, Fiona has had her "special bed" set up in her room since we realized that she can climb in and out of her crib, but up until yesterday she used it as a play spot, and a platform to be able to reach the light switch. Yesterday, before I went to work, I was getting her ready for her nap and asked her, as I do every nap, "would you like your special bed or your crib?" She always says "CWIB" back...yesterday she said "bed" and then proceeded to nap for almost 2 hours in her bed!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Goodbye Tahoe, Hello Fiona!!!!!

Louise Snowboarding
We had a great time in Tahoe for the weekend. Here's a video clip that shows the lake in the background. Devon got the year wrong in his commentary , perhaps he was giddy with too much rest.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
72 hours!!!!!!!!!

Hi All, Here are a couple of pics hot off the disk...I'm giving Fiona her last bottle before I put her to bed for her nap, only today, I'm going to work and then Devon and I are leaving for a snowboarding weekend together. So I won't see her for about 72 hours. I've been trying to focus on all the annoying stuff today to make it easier to leave but she's so lovely I can't do it for long. Fiona incidentally is having John and Vicki come and stay for the weekend so she can play in the manner to which she has become accustomed, all over her own house. I'll hopefully give her another cuddle on Sunday. ....SIGH.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Out for a ride

Devon and Fiona and I went for a ride along West cliff drive and then visited the Fungus Fair, but by far the favourite part for Fiona was the park and the backhoe. It's still a bit unwieldy for her but she loves to give it a try. Was a bit disturbed that other kids were using it too. This may be an uphill battle. Fiona pointed out in a stream of nouns everything that she saw on the way home, and it seems that she knows the names of just about everything she sees. Where sis she get all of that. We stopped and watched a bit of soccer on the way home. She got straight to napping when we got home, We have a little bed in her room that we are calling the "special bed" by way of trying to make it more enticing, but she still prefers her crib and asks for it by name over the new bed. Incidentally we found her inside her crib the other day, she had climbed up and into it, so we know that she could get out, it's just a matter of time until we hear her go bump in the night. Let's hope that special bed gets some use soon.
Saturday, January 05, 2008

We have had a rainy couple of days here in Santa Cruz, rainy and windy. There was no power here for most of yesterday, others had it much worse we sat by the fire and played, went for a stomp in the puddles and had candlelight dinner together. The only little bit of excitement was that the skylight in the bathroom blew off in a gust of wind. Devon went up on the roof in the worst of the storm and fixed it. Fiona gets points for going into the bathroom and discovering the puddle forming inside...she was a bit worried about it and said "uh-oh" thus summoning help. Explaining that we couldn't watch her Winnie the poo DVD or look at You Tube on the computer was a bit of a worry...I told her that there wasn't any electricity and she accepted it, I'll have to try that on other days too.
Here's some video from dinnertime:
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Sleepy New Year
It's been a little while since the last post, Santa Came and went and Fiona is still learning to ride her tricycle, mostly we push her on it, but she seems to be able to pedal with one foot occasionally. She is great as sharing with her teddies who get to ride around the house quite a lot. The fussy baby that we have been dealing with for the past couple of weeks turns out has an ear infection, maybe both of them. The other night she was feverish when she went to bed and the Tylenol wasn't working to bring it down, By the morning she was 104 and shivering. We bundled her into the car and took her to the doctor, still with whole body shakes....So it's the ears, she's getting her first antibiotics in her life, today she is doing much better. She is still sleeping a lot, I think that yesterday she was awake for about 2 hours total, not much eating but lots of drinking which is enough I suppose. Devon has the same cold but he hasn't been quite as sad looking as her. We went to bed early on new years eve having canceled our kid friendly going out plan, everyone got some extra rest because it's best to take on the new year feeling your best. So hopefully her resolution is to get back to her wild and crazy self.
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