So, Fiona has had her "special bed" set up in her room since we realized that she can climb in and out of her crib, but up until yesterday she used it as a play spot, and a platform to be able to reach the light switch. Yesterday, before I went to work, I was getting her ready for her nap and asked her, as I do every nap, "would you like your special bed or your crib?" She always says "CWIB" back...yesterday she said "bed" and then proceeded to nap for almost 2 hours in her bed!!!
The quilt seems to be hanging in there... it's amazing to see bits and pieces that I recognise!
It's lovely, now if she could just say "flower" instead of "SNFFF SNFFF" that se learned in kapunda...Thanks for making such a lovely quilt ofr her, We're taking wonderful care of it and if need be it wil get put away if things are rough. She'll love it more when she knows how much love went into it.
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