Devon and Fiona and I went for a ride along West cliff drive and then visited the Fungus Fair, but by far the favourite part for Fiona was the park and the backhoe. It's still a bit unwieldy for her but she loves to give it a try. Was a bit disturbed that other kids were using it too. This may be an uphill battle. Fiona pointed out in a stream of nouns everything that she saw on the way home, and it seems that she knows the names of just about everything she sees. Where sis she get all of that. We stopped and watched a bit of soccer on the way home. She got straight to napping when we got home, We have a little bed in her room that we are calling the "special bed" by way of trying to make it more enticing, but she still prefers her crib and asks for it by name over the new bed. Incidentally we found her inside her crib the other day, she had climbed up and into it, so we know that she could get out, it's just a matter of time until we hear her go bump in the night. Let's hope that special bed gets some use soon.
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