Sorry for the hiatus in posts...the usual, life, cleaning, feeding ourselves, and potty training has been keeping me away from the computer.

It is spring in our yard and Fiona has been taking advantage of this in exploring the yard, digging for worms, picking flowers, planting then replanting plants, watering with her watering can, she tried to drink from her shovel yesterday, another thing I never thought I'd say: " Don't lick the shovel!"

She has been doing well on the toilet thing though at the moment she prefers by far to poo in the grass outside which is not our favourite. We're working on that. She still has some trouble pulling her own pants down and so we get around that by her not wearing any.
The other morning I was looking in the drawers and cupboards for my measuring cup. Long after I needed it it was found, "yellow teddy" as he is known here was using it (I think as a potty)
It was good to see that the teddys are still enthusiastic about potty training too.

We hope that y'all are well and either coming into spring or cooling off nicely in autumn where you are.
:-) hilarious x
Hey there Fiona - I spotted some stripy (spotted some stripes, how funny!) socks for you today and brought them home as part of your birthday pressie. Your ma tells me you like to wear stripy things, so this should help you out. I can tell you this now, because you can't read and so the surprise won't be spoiled, and by the time you can read, those socks will be too small already :-) xx
ju, you're lovely
Cooling off, you must be joking.
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