We are still working on the toilet training, having a few more "accidents" lately but we are trying to keep a stiff upper lip about the whole thing. The stickers and big girl undies aren't much of a bribe any more. Do we need to up the ante?
Lots of tantrums lately: Fiona, not us...She now hits herself in the head crys and caps the whole thing with a fling to the floor, often screeching so furiously that she quivers. This is something that happens when we hold our ground on things like, " you can have more rasins later", or "mummy is practicing guitar for one minute, then we'll read that book, " or "we don't eat cookies for breakfast" or " we already watched the snail for half an hour, lets go inside for a while."
I've taken to putting her on her bed to finish her tantrums because as I have told her, "it hurts mummy's ears."
Speaking of her bed, the crib is now out of her room and she is left with her big bed which she seems just fine with. The first nap after the crib was "disappeared" involved just a quick, "the crib is gone," she shrugged her shoulders and we haven't heard any more about it. Much easier than I thought.
I definitely think that Fiona takes after her mother. Louise used to check for a pillow behind her before she flung herself to the floor..... she used to have to scream in the bedroom to protect my ears too... and eventually got to pulling her hair out!!!
She has also been known to continue a tantrum first thing in the morning after falling asleep in the middle of one at night!
Is this called getting your just deserts?????
Mmmm. I would have thought it a first child thing (I should know, I am one ;-). Charlotte did the crazy tanties from HELL. Sometimes I sat in a nice bath while she belted out her fury for anywhere up to four hours. But then again, I have since learned to change strategies. We insisted on a bed time for her when she was two or three, and here tonight Annie is up watching Spiderman (M rated or something) and all is quiet in a nice, dysfunctional kinda way. My advice is stick in her in nappies and leave her in them without question for at least another three months, and let her take some initiative or wait for her to show an interest in toileting. Three year olds generally wont tolerate weeing in their own pants for too long - its quite yukky!! ;-) Re the tantrums. No advice at all, sorry.... earplugs, wine, animal rescue remedy (Brilliant!), and babysitting. God it would be cool if you guys were closer xxxxx
Wouldn't the bath get cold after four hours?
:-) hehehehehe re john's comment!! you are funny - sure it did, but do you have ANY idea how desperate i was?? I was hiding out BIG TIME xx
ps i think there was a bottle of wine involved too, which ensured i was pickled inside n out :-) x
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