Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Dummy Fairy Cometh

Last night, after a few days of Fiona explaining the dummy fairy (The dummies are needed by baby fairies so just put your old dummies in the magic box and there will be a surprise in there the next morning and the baby fairies will be Soooooo happy) excitedly the night was upon us. Fiona was having a few misgivings I think that she realized that if all her dummies were in a box under a bush in the living room then she wouldn't have one for the night.
The night was a bit rough, she ended up in our bed at some point. We are holding our ground though. The Fairies came through with their part of the bargain. In the fairy box this morning was a beautiful fairy cape and necklace. I'll post a picture of that later.


Jane said...

Aren't fairies good people!

What other stuff can they get rid of? I have the odd bit of junk here!

I can't wait to see the fairy gear as well.

John L said...

Jane, that's no way to talk about me.