Hi All sorry for the delay in posts. Aside from being busy having fun, we have been busy with life stuff, and I lost the camera, my keys, fiona has been sick, we've had house guests, I have been working more than usual, etc etc etc. But we are all well with the exception of fiona's runny nose/fever/cough/diarrhea/ and this morning's vomit. So there we are...
Before the latest bout of illness fiona and I went for a walk at Pogonip along a trail that I love. We saw banana slugs and even found a "bear cave" really too small for a bear but we have big imaginations. Fiona is always on the lookout for mountain lions these days which I think stems from a camping trip last summer when she was dawdling too far behind and I told her to hurry up or mountain lions would get her. A first time mother's mistake, because it has created her first fear in the world. But a good fear, we really wouldn't want a mountain lion to get too close.

We had a nice visit with Fiona's Cousin from New Jersey this week. Matteo and his friend visited and fiona had a good time helping to entertain them, boogers and all.

Fiona's latest thing is in trying to write her name whenever she finds a pan and paper unattended. She is pretty good at the F's I's and O's the N's and the A's are trickier. She is increasingly incorporating spanish into her vocabulary too. Counting and saying the colours as well as commands like Vamanos! when she wants us to come along.

On monday mornings we are enjoying going to our music together class, She loves to sing and dance and play instruments. Its a great time for all of us. Preschool is going well on tuesday and thursdays too though she is likely to miss both days this week with the dreaded lurgy. I suppose we are in for many more years of boogers.
I like Pogonip also.
I know her head is a bit in the shade in that top pic, but she still looks exactly like Louise there... until now, i mainly saw her as looking like devon - but there you go, some louise genes kicking in hard and fast now... :-) either way, she is as beautiful as ever xx
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