Fiona woke up this morning and asked as soon as her eyes opened, " Is it my birthday today?" I know this because she was sleeping in our bed again. the first comment was immediately followed by " can I open my presents?" and then a squeal of delight. She was very careful and occasionally frustrated by wrapping paper but managed somehow to avoid a tantrum...and then after everything was open, we told her that there was something in the porch.........a big girl bike! She went for a ride around the block before school and no doubt will put many more miles on this summer.
Happy Birthday to y'all.
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Fiona,
Happy Birthday to you!
Love, Great Uncle Tim
and Great Aunt Betsy
Buon Compleanno Fiona!
What a beautiful bike! and happy birthday Fiona
I hope it was a great birthday.
hey did our parcel arrive yet? :-) xx
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