Things are still interesting here. Fiona has a tantrum every now and again and again, over things like naps, meals, appropriate attire, weeing in "pretend nappies," and walking even if one has a scratch on her finger. but we try to distract ourselves with other things like poultry, a recent trip to the boardwalk (fiona made at least one really good minature golf shot), and the start of swimming lessons.

Fiona was the bravest of "teacher Steve's " (I thought) beginner group. I was so proud to see her in the pool trying out her moves. Will keep you updated as she leaves those boys in the dust.

That must be the new camera!
Looking good.
Does Fiona limp badly when she has a sore finger? That always seems to be a symptom of such things.
The swimming photos look cold, but perhaps that is just because we are at the end of summer here.
Swimming pool is like a warm bath, too hot for the mum. and yes she limps with a sore finger.
Shouldn't that be sore with a limp finger?
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