Thursday, December 03, 2009

Autumn Fever

Yesterday Fiona and I were both sick, fever, cough, tired. We napped all day, snuggled in bed, Devon took the day off to take care of us. I should have taken a picture of Fiona sleeping in our bed, but I wasn't feeling up to finding the camera. The blessing in all that was that at a time when fiona is usually a little comet flying around our lives dropping debris in a stream behind her she was peaceful and sleeping for a good part of the day. I had plenty of time to watch her sleep and worry over her and marvel at how sweet and good she is. She was especially cuddly and placid. We are so lucky to have her and so lucky also that she is better... and today is a comet flying about again.
I hope that you are all well


Jane said...

Sorry to hear that you two have been sick. Look after yourselves!
I suppose that it's that time of year.

John L said...

Are you better too, Louise?

Beryl said...

Just bnack from Brisbane and Ben and Ju's wedding, One word, Fabulous. the setting was in a park, with the river in the backdrop. Saw Annie for the first time. all such a happy situation. Left Adelaide at 6.10am. was back by 10.24 Pm. very tired, but back in my home at 1pm. Sunday. Home is "some good"
caught up with "Everybody" love Beryl ps "wish yu were here "