We have been busy getting over our last big cough. I have gone back to work and Fiona and Devon are seemingly unfazed though I think that fiona has an ear infection that is getting better on it's own. Devon as you can see has been getting in a bit of official fishing at work...this trip was to catch Humbolt squid, The sunset isn't too bad either.
We went on Saturday morning to the Santa Cruz holiday parade. It is a lovely event. one of my favourite entries in the parade is the Santa Cruz Libraries Book truck drill team...of course Santa himself was at the end of the parade and the carriage he was riding in stopped right in front of us so we took the opportunity to see him immediatly rather than at the mall later this month. Fiona was REALLY delighted to see him and said "Santa...Santa..Santa...Santa"(sort of at a loss for words) when we said hello...and then she collected herself and very nicely asked him if she could "please have a baby seal for Christmas." He responded that he doesn't bring live animals and Fiona clarified that she wanted the seal to be a "pretend one" He said he could probably do that and fiona BEAMED.
So we are all ready for Christmas that we will celebrate on the Solstice this year...Santa will make an early stop to fit in with my work schedule which I really appreciate. In the meantime we are looking forward to staying up in San Francisco to celebrate my birthday next week (My 7th annual 29th birthday). We'll bring Fiona and do all the fun city things, eat Ethiopian food, visit museums, maybe even see a kid movie. Of course we'll post a full report then.
Did Devon catch much for the freezer?
How lucky to see santa in the street and not have to plan another vsit to the mall for the purpose... lucky he can find baby seals too!
I like Santa's sunnies.
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