Saturday, March 06, 2010

Coast Starlight

Today Fiona woke up and announced loudly, "It's Train Day!!!!" She has been waiting patiently as we have counted down the weeks and then the days. We are taking the train up to Oregon to Visit some good Friends, Brian Liv and Lyle in Corvallis and Dina in Portland. We're expecting rain most days of our vacation but we'll have a wonderful time stomping in puddles.

Tonight we will be sleeping on the train and in the morning we will wake up in Northern California, or Southern Oregon. We're hoping to see snowy mountains and train bridges in the pine trees.

We have heard that other people go to the beach for spring odd.

Anyway, we'll try to post from the road/tracks and we'll be back in Santa Cruz in about 10 days. As we leave we are all in good health, no snotty noses or colds. This is fantastic!

All aboard!


Jane said...

Sounds wonderful... have fun!

owlwolf said...

Safe travel. Train rides are memorible. And there's room to walk around and burn off some of that childhood energy!