Monday, March 15, 2010

The Hill We Died On

I found my thrill
do do do do do do do do...
On Blueberry Hill
do do do do do do do do...
And we both got killed
do do do do do do do do...
On Blueberry Hill.

We, actually, we made it back alive, but we have to report that train ride back was not nearly as trouble free as the ride up. I think 6 days of new excitement and play had taken its toll on Fiona, and maybe the rest of us too, making us all a bit punchy and overtired. But whatever the cause, after getting settled into her top bunk, and after climbing up and down several times to do another pee, poo, and because she was thirsty, she decided that she was hungry. And not just any hungry, but hungry only for the delicious home grown blueberries that Liv had packed for her. And while they are scrumptious, Devon decided that they were not an appropriate snack for 9 at night, and that if she was truly hungry she would accept an alternative snack. And thus the battle lines were drawn.

To make a long bloody story short, Devon ended up spending a significant portion of the night on the top bunk, while Louise consoled Fiona on the bottom. For her part, Fiona eventually accepted a few bits of apple before passing out, and around 3am Devon snuck down and put her back into the top bunk, where she snored while the parents huddled, shell shocked, below.

But now we are back in Sunny Santa Cruz (forecast this week: Sunny 70/50 everyday), and while residual tiredness continues (Fiona napped on the shuttle bus, in the car, and in her bed at home a total of over 3 hours yesterday!), I'm sure we will all be settled back in shortly with only good memories of our Oregon travels.


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