Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hello Three!!!!!!!!

Fiona woke up this morning and asked as soon as her eyes opened, " Is it my birthday today?" I know this because she was sleeping in our bed again. the first comment was immediately followed by " can I open my presents?" and then a squeal of delight. She was very careful and occasionally frustrated by wrapping paper but managed somehow to avoid a tantrum...and then after everything was open, we told her that there was something in the porch.........a big girl bike! She went for a ride around the block before school and no doubt will put many more miles on this summer.
Happy Birthday to y'all.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The waning days of two

Things are still interesting here. Fiona has a tantrum every now and again and again, over things like naps, meals, appropriate attire, weeing in "pretend nappies," and walking even if one has a scratch on her finger. but we try to distract ourselves with other things like poultry, a recent trip to the boardwalk (fiona made at least one really good minature golf shot), and the start of swimming lessons.

Fiona was the bravest of "teacher Steve's " (I thought) beginner group. I was so proud to see her in the pool trying out her moves. Will keep you updated as she leaves those boys in the dust.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Well, we have been having a troublesome time parenting lately. Our lovely daughter has taken to barking commands, and throwing tantrums on a frequent basis. We liken this to living with a dictator. Granted sometimes our life is a bit chaotic but REALLY!!!?!!! I'm over it.
I had my first stern lecture with her today. Told her I was CROSS, just like Jack's mum in the beanstalk story... so here's this, one of my biggest worries was "the supermarket tantrum." Today, I had just walked in, and we were choosing fruit at New Leaf, Fiona was a bit of a tyrant to start and then when I tried to get her in the cart because she was grabbing too many things she pitched a fit A SUPERMARKET TANTRUM.It started in with the angry screaming at the top of her lungs, kicking, crying more yelling. I picked her up, put the bananas back on the shelf and carried her out to the car drove home all the while she was blubbering about wanting to go back to the shops bla bla bla. Back home, quick lunch, more lecture and she actually started to say things like "mummy, you weren't cross at the park, I'm on best behaviour now, after I have a sleep I'll be better at the shop, I'm not going to do that another time, etc etc." She was pretty contrite really, which was good to hear. I was and still am pretty grumpy at her but we're going to put a stop to this crap behaviour. It might be a rough week but hopefully we'll come out with a manageable three year old on the other end of it. AAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Katie Fun

Fiona's Fun Friend Katie came to the rescue with some pictures from her last visit... clearly she will do anything to entertain Fiona!!

Photo by Fiona

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

April Fools

Well here we are in April, the month of Fiona's birthday (3!), and also her middle namesake, Spring. Weather is gorgeous here as usual, and we've been really busy with fun stuff and a house full of people... more on that in a later post I think. In the meantime, since our camera has died an horrrible death at the hands of the still-2-year-old ("lens error, turn off camera"), I thought I would post an email I just found in my "unsent drafts" folder. I started to write it and never finished after Julie-Ann posted two comments on the "Sleeping Lion" post last fall--- her comments are like the Yin and Yang of parenting: "hang in there, don't take any crap", and "P.S. just give in, it is easier"!!!! I thought that was really funny and wrote:

"We definitely give the little darling plenty of rope, but I think you can't give in once the tantrum has started. For example, Fiona really, really, really cares what color bowl she gets her cereal in in the morning, and that is fine, I give her a choice and she can pick whatever she wants (unless the one she wants is dirty, I'm not washing dishes on command!). BUT, if she picks the red bowl, and I put in the cereal and raisins (while listening to cries of "NOT cranberries, ONLY raisins") and pour the milk and give it to her and THEN she looses her marbles over wanting the blue bowl instead, well, tough cookies kid, go to your room until you are hungry enough to eat out of the red bowl you wanted in the first place."

Thankfully Fiona has mostly moved on from her bowl-color obsession, but sadly has also honed her tantrum and bargaining skill to a razor edge. Enough said.

Hope everyone is enjoying Spring or Fall somewhere!
