Fiona had the biggest tantrum of her life just before lunch today. It's hard to say what the problem was but it sure was wild. She's had a cold this week so she was a bit grumpy, we went to the park before hand but she wasn't her usual playful self, we came home by normal lunch time, I asked her what she wanted and she said a bagel with cream cheese...thats when things started, she didnt' want to eat at the table, so she sat on the floor in the kitchen but them moved to the dining table where I was sitting but didn't want me there. I said that I wasn't going to move and that we could sit together bla bla bla, and that's when she went screaming to her room, tore her clothes off and thumped about screaming on the ground for about 20 minutes. I told her she could come out when she felt better, offered her a bottle of milk (refused), and then closed the door most of the way. After a couple more minutes she quieted down and fell asleep on her bed, naked, door closed as you can see from above.
On a lighter note we are looking forward to having Mareke with us in the fall, Fiona's other babysitter Katie's younger sister. Fiona and she get along quite well. She'll take care of fiona while I'm working. 

Hope all is well with you and yours.
Honeybunch, this is a "power struggle" I Fiona, am the boss of THIS HOUSE !!! Just stand firm but fair. Always head it off at the pass if possible, but when it comes down to the wire, just stand firm. You don't really want a very priveledged child "in Charge" do you.Kindness and dicipline, You'll manage well, love Beryl
Thanks Beryl
Hi love - our Charlotte was the QUEEN of tantrums - we had literally no tantrums with the other two... I gave them the look of 'hello kids, i have SO been there, do NOT even think about it' at that look works a treat!
The first baby will try you out til they know where your limits are - dare I say, especially if they are a girl (?!) - the later rewards are a kids with amazing initiative, great behaviour, and a little friend you can joke with about their hideous behaviour - hang in there, and don't take any nonsense!! Sorry Fi, I had to say that, you will be laughing about this by the time you can read it!! xxxxx
PS, I know this sounds lame, but for your own sanity, giving in can really work for you... I let Annie eat wherever she wants, wear WHATEVER she wants (and trust me, this is interesting) - unless they are endangering themselves, give them a little rope... they soon realise you know better!! Don't take crap, but don't sweat the little things either.. I am often surprised by the look I get when I say 'yeah sure, do what you want' - they soon do what you thought was best anyways ;-) xx
I think she takes after her mother!
This is not Fiona you're talking about, surely.
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