Thursday, August 14, 2008

6 Tons!

We finally pulled the trigger on the front yard, rented a roto-tiller, ripped up the lawn, and started landscaping. After lots more digging and a lucky find of some limestone boulders quarried from UCSC we soon had a rock wall and granite path by the street and driveway. We'll get some plants in soon, as well as a garden bed. In the meantime, Fiona loves climbing on the rocks, and playing on the pile of decomposed granite. Luna is doing her hound dog thing out there too.


Jane said...

OMG this looks like quite a change.... will you put vegetables in there somewhere? may I suggest pototoes?

Devon said...

Potatoes are planned!

Beryl said...

I see an olympic STAR in the making the slalom perhaps???? Beryl