Friday, October 31, 2008


We carved a pumpkin last night and are just about ready to go out for a little Trick-or-treating tonight. We'll only get to about four or five houses. I'm sure by next year she'll be up to more.

Carving the pumpkin was fun, Fiona was a bit hesitant to reach in but pronounced after she had seen us take a few handfulls of pumpkin goo out, "Its not scary." and then dug in for herself.

It will be a dark and stormy night tonight but we'll have our otter in before too late.

Happy Halloween,

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Big Kahunah

Devon took Fiona out for her first surf yesterday. It was a bit cold. Cowells was in the shade but the tide and the "waves" were just right. Fiona was initially a bit put off by the water, but she watched Devon ride a little wave in and said that she wanted to do it too. They went out and caught a wave in, Fiona was a bit nonplussed about being splashed in the face but seemed to enjoy it. She spent the rest of our time on the beach, working up the courage to touch sea anemonies left exposed by the low tide. We'll let you know how she does the next time.

Checking out the lineup

Riding a "double-over-ankle" in

The Rest of October

Hi All,
We haven't spent much time blogging this month, we have been having lots of fun though. Lots of sailing and other adventures. We are all looking forward to our November travels. Devon is off to Peru for "work" and Fiona and I are going to be visiting all the rellies in Australia. We leave on the 5th of November and will be away for three weeks. Thank goodness for flexible jobs!!! Hopefully with the republicans out by the time we board and we will settle into a peaceful flight across the Pacific Ocean. Here are some recent pics of October fun:

Fiona Visiting the Nina (a reproduction of Columbus's Ship)Which is visiting our harbour

Fiona ready for Halloween trying on her costume of a "mummy sea otter"

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Boat repair and Bluegrass

A big weekend-- four days long-- of finishing all the work on the boat and getting her back in the water. She has all new rigging, many little things fixed, and new paint all over. Also, a friend from back in our Georgia days, Dina Roberts, came down from the wet land up in Oregon and Wa. to soak up some sun and the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival up in Golden Gate Park. Meanwhile, Fiona had a busy weekend playing with Grammy and Grampy. Then on Monday we all got on the boat to bring her back to Santa Cruz from the Moss Landing boat yard. A strong head wind and a good swell made for some wet and heavy going, but we made it to the harbor safe and sound with Fiona sleeping almost the whole way!