Monday, March 28, 2011

A day at the beach

After torrential rains....really.. that have left santa cruz and the central coast in a bit of a soggy mess, the clouds parted for the afternoon and we took advantage of it and went to the beach. Kids, dogs and sticks, sun, sand, beers, and a bit of respite from the weather to get us through.

Happy Spring!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Dog's Life

Rio is fitting in well in our crazy life though it does sometimes look like he would rather be swimming. He outweighs Fiona but she still has the upper hand as you can see.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Clay Bulls

Fiona was inspired by some claymation this morning and made this small family of clay bulls. In her words: "The peach coloured one is the mum. The dad is red, The baby is green. They all have yellow hair (Still pronounced lello)."

Fiona is just back from Pacific grove where she was safe from this week's Tsunami. Our boat is OK as we recently moved her to a new slip...the old slip is toast though.

Devon and I had a few days in Utah for a nursing class and some play...

Be well, Love Louise