Thursday, March 27, 2008

That's our baby riding a bike!!!!

So the deal is that when she rides in the street,we make her wear her helmet...and undies. I'm still in shock that our little girl pedals herself around! She's pretty good at steering too if you ask me.

The potty business continues, a bit on and off so to speak. We are still working on the rule about not pooing in the grass, and that if you drop a flower (no matter how lovely) in your potty to float in the piddle, it is NOT OK to fish it out, and even less OK to then lick your fingers. Whoever thought one would need to state the rules THAT clearly?

Just wanted to keep you up to date on the miraculous abilities of a clearly gifted child.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Eggs!

Louise worked late last night, so Devon and Fiona went out for Hot Crossed Buns for breakfast at the local bakery.

Then Fiona had her first easter egg hunt once Louise got up... Her attention span lasted for just about all eight eggs that were hidden in the garden. It's a bit difficult to explain the existence of the Easter Bunny (should be a marsupial! Easter Platypus?!?).

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Poo, snails, tantrums etc

We are still working on the toilet training, having a few more "accidents" lately but we are trying to keep a stiff upper lip about the whole thing. The stickers and big girl undies aren't much of a bribe any more. Do we need to up the ante?

Lots of tantrums lately: Fiona, not us...She now hits herself in the head crys and caps the whole thing with a fling to the floor, often screeching so furiously that she quivers. This is something that happens when we hold our ground on things like, " you can have more rasins later", or "mummy is practicing guitar for one minute, then we'll read that book, " or "we don't eat cookies for breakfast" or " we already watched the snail for half an hour, lets go inside for a while."
I've taken to putting her on her bed to finish her tantrums because as I have told her, "it hurts mummy's ears."

Speaking of her bed, the crib is now out of her room and she is left with her big bed which she seems just fine with. The first nap after the crib was "disappeared" involved just a quick, "the crib is gone," she shrugged her shoulders and we haven't heard any more about it. Much easier than I thought.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Devon's Kayak Weekend

Devon has been busy kayaking in the surf kayak contest this weekend.

Had a few good waves, and a pretty good beat down in one heat too! Some friends made a video slideshow of some of the good and bad parts of my heat. Unfortunately I got knocked out of the contest and didn't make it to the quarter-finals, but our friend Chris Harvey came back from the UK and won the contest for the second year in a row! He even did some good babysitting for Fiona too!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Sorry for the hiatus in posts...the usual, life, cleaning, feeding ourselves, and potty training has been keeping me away from the computer.

It is spring in our yard and Fiona has been taking advantage of this in exploring the yard, digging for worms, picking flowers, planting then replanting plants, watering with her watering can, she tried to drink from her shovel yesterday, another thing I never thought I'd say: " Don't lick the shovel!"

She has been doing well on the toilet thing though at the moment she prefers by far to poo in the grass outside which is not our favourite. We're working on that. She still has some trouble pulling her own pants down and so we get around that by her not wearing any.

The other morning I was looking in the drawers and cupboards for my measuring cup. Long after I needed it it was found, "yellow teddy" as he is known here was using it (I think as a potty)
It was good to see that the teddys are still enthusiastic about potty training too.

We hope that y'all are well and either coming into spring or cooling off nicely in autumn where you are.


Saturday, March 01, 2008

SCAT!!! Drat!

Todays lesson verbatim. "We do not eat poo, ever!"
I will save you the visual.