Friday, January 27, 2012

Water Cycle

Here is Fiona explaining her water cycle bracelet that her class made this week.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fiona at play...

Here is fiona practicing Fiddle last night...she took her fiddle to show and tell on tuesday and played so well...what a proud mum was I .

Our practices have morphed to using instant m&m per song. The instant reward has saved countless whining episodes and made practice fun for all.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Years Came and Went

(Midnight at the town clock)

Christmas came and went and new years already seems like a long time ago...better have a post for January...

We had a flurry of activity over the holidays: Visitors of many sorts: Real, magical, and infectious. Christmas chaos left in time for us to have friends visit, family stay, our dreams of a snowy holiday dashed on the rocks of la nina, and a flu. Now with that behind us we are back at work and school and January is halfway over... or at the very least Febuary is around the corner.

Here are a few pics of our new year fun.

(up a tree in san francisco)

(King Lyle and Queen Fiona)

(Christmas tree on the beach in San Francisco)

(Almost like snow! on a North Coast beach)

(Mavericks Mural, Half Moon Bay)