Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Bike Drama

This morning Fiona fell off her tricycle in the dining room. She hit her eye and forehead on a table, cracked the table (don't worry she said "daddy will fix it") , she had a good cry, but by the afternoon she had developed this trick... She positioned a pillow next to the trike so she could fall off without any trouble (check out the video, a bit cut off because we ran out of memory). She did it over and over until we went out for a real bike ride in the bike wagon. No crashes there, and Fiona, having played at the park is now fast asleep, a little cut on her eyelid and scratch on her noggin from the morning and she may have a bit of a bruise show up tomorrow. We'll see.

She's getting to be an amazing talker, she is getting her tenses under control, using past tenses of irregular verbs and such. It is wonderful to watch her pick up new words and sing whole songs. Her latest song is "You Are My Sunshine." I'll have to get a video of that because it is beautiful to hear her little voice singing. She learns songs at school too and often I don't know the words to the school songs. This frustrates her but she does her best to teach me anyway. Who knew being a mum could be so much fun.


Jane said...

I knew!

Jane said...

And I'm glad that the bike was ok too!